
Hibernate schema generation on PostgreSQL: wrong column type UUID instead of INET

Primary LanguageJava

Project to demonstrate Hibernate schema auto generation where the custom PostgreSQL type INET is used


  • A PostgreSQL database is required to run this project. The connection data can be eddited in src/main/resources/application.yaml.

    The existing connection data is for a database running on localhost:5432 called postgres with same username and password.

  • JDK 8 to run the app

Build project

$ ./mvnw clean install

or (if you have maven 3 installed locally)

$ mvn clean install

Run the project (will run ddl create table `LAMP`)

$ java -jar target/wrong-type-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The app only generates the schema and exits.


Instead of correctly guessing the type for column inet_address to be INET, Hibernate decides that it has type UUID when running the DDL.


As pointed out in this SO answer, the INET valued property needs to be additionally annotated with

@Column(columnDefinition = "inet")