
Primary LanguageR


Install packages

install.packages("httr") install.packages("wnominate") install.packages("pscl")

Pro Publica Raw Data User Functions

source("ProPublica Functions/Members by Congress Function.R") source("ProPublica Functions/Recent Member Positions Function.R") source("ProPublica Functions/Recent Votes Function.R") source("ProPublica Functions/Rollcalls by Congress.R") source("ProPublica Functions/Specific Member Function.R") source("ProPublica Functions/Specific Roll Call Vote Function.R") source("ProPublica Functions/2nd Level Functions/Map Ideological Positions Function.R")

Get a Specific Roll Call Vote

exam1_vote <- get.rollcall(congress = 116, chamber = "senate", session = 2, roll_call = 80)

Get detailed data about a Specific Legislator

exam2_member <- get.member("B001277")

Get 20 most recent votes either in the Senate, House, or combined

exam3_recent <- recent.votes("both") exam4_recent <- recent.votes("senate") exam5_recent <- recent.votes("house")

Get the 20 most recent votes by a Specific Legislator and the results of those votes

exam6_member <- member.record("B001277")

Get list of legislators by congress and chamber

exam7_congress <- member.list(congress = 116, chamber = "senate")

Get list of rollcalls by congress

exam8_congress <- rc.record(congress = 116, chamber = "senate")

Spatially Map Legislator Ideological Positions

exam9_pinpoint <- elite.map(congress = 115, chamber = "senate", dimes = 4) plot(exam9_pinpoint$wnom)