
Can Intellibrite "save" and "recall" functionality from the mobile app be leveraged to store and set custom light colors?

pgregg88 opened this issue · 13 comments

@parnic @WhiteFire356 @bshep The iPhone app allows you to "save" the current color and hit the "recall" button to change all lights to that color. I use this to set the right color of blue that my wife likes as it fades through the various shades and hues. (pain in the ass to get it right) I assume it saves the RBG hex code for the current color value somewhere and loads it when the "recall" button is pressed.

It seems this would be a great was to create a custom color pallet of hex values (outside of pentair) and then pass in the desired RBG hex using whatever the "recall" feature uses.

Is this viable?

It would also be awesome if there was a way to dim the lights.

Definitely an interesting idea, I will look into this

I've casually looked into this a few times with very little success. Eager to see if others figure it out.

I'm happy to research and test if you can point me in the right direction. I'm not a developer, but I can do the basics and can try to capture the hex values. I don't know where to start, though. Thx.

@pgregg88 here is info on how we got as far as we have so far. Without looking at source code, your best bet is probably to run one of the Pentair apps in an Android emulator and wireshark-monitor the values going back and forth.

bshep commented

I’m pretty sure the saved color is stored on the lights themselves. The control panel simply pulses the power to the lights a number of times to signal the intended function.

Example ( these are made up numbers so dont take them literally)

  • Save color = Pulse 15times
  • Recall Saved Color = Pulse 16 times
  • Red = Pulse 5 times
  • etc

Edit: you can test this yourself by pulsing the lights manually. Also beware there is a ‘wildlife’ function that locks the lights to certain colors, my builder warned me about it so if you get locked out you may need to find the manual or call the supplier on how to unlock ( likely a combination of pulses )

Ha @parnic. I've watched that video. @bshep I bet you are correct. That makes sense.

I believe that if we can emulate the light state for certain intellibrite presets (Party, Caribbean, American, etc.) inside the code, then send the "save" command at a certain point causing the lights to save that color. That would allow people to select a certain color inside that preset and when the preset gets to that point it will send the "save" command, effectively setting the light to that color. For example, @pgregg88 can get the perfect shade of blue and input that into a function. The function will loop through the preset until it finds the perfect shade of blue. It will then send the "save" command.

I hope that makes sense to you guys...

@WhiteFire356 That sounds amazing.

random question. whats the diff between save and recall?

parnic commented

random question. whats the diff between save and recall?

Saving would be recording the state for later use. Recalling would be loading the state to be applied now.

Weird. My lights dont seem to do anything when hitting save or recall. Maybe my system is messed up lol. thanks for the response though.

FWIW, I contacted pentair and they "fixed" my lights by just performing some reset. lol.