- 13
Can Intellibrite "save" and "recall" functionality from the mobile app be leveraged to store and set custom light colors?
#48 opened by pgregg88 - 1
- 2
- 3
Timeout / Parameter Failure on setCircuitAsync
#72 opened by halfhp - 4
FEATURE: Set Timeout
#71 opened by thatsjet - 54
Integration with nodejs-poolController
#61 opened by tagyoureit - 4
SLSetHeatSetPoint not parsing API response
#65 opened by alonweinstein - 0
- 7
Set pump speeds
#62 opened by tagyoureit - 23
- 8
addClient disconnecting
#35 opened by coricidin12 - 3
Server crashes out
#11 opened by jiggi21 - 1
feature request: Access "history" data
#59 opened by yeloshak - 8
getNumPumps() returns number of available pump slots, not actual number of pumps
#58 opened by michaelmaston - 11
Decoding SLEquipmentConfigurationMessage
#26 opened by parnic - 2
- 2
- 3
#54 opened by itsxallwater - 13
Uncaught Exception crashing node-red
#50 opened by EkiSkyten - 2
History messages
#47 opened by alpha-se - 3
- 4
Calling getPumpStatus() is timing out.
#45 opened by tjblevins - 13
Unknown message 8300
#37 opened by jpennell - 4
- 2
- 6
- 7
- 1
- 1
Get Circuit State (on, off, etc.)
#38 opened by Spencer1O1 - 8
Set Control for the Salt Cell Output
#17 opened by tomblevins - 1
- 4
How to cancel the default pool delays?
#20 opened by zredlined - 9
Testing Needed for SLGetPumpStatus / SLSetPumpFlow
#27 opened by bshep - 5
Schedule Editing
#23 opened by bshep - 3
- 1
Issue with Buffer Changes.
#19 opened by tomblevins - 4
Heater/thermostat support?
#18 opened by blazer0x - 28
Talking to screen logic
#1 opened by tielur - 1
Lights Command questions
#16 opened by mikemucc - 3
(Some) equipFlags meanings
#15 opened by mikemucc - 9
- 4
Heat Status Code 1 Meaning?
#12 opened by mikemucc - 4
any tips on how to change light colors...
#4 opened by bmf7777 - 1
Starting the hot tub?
#10 opened by alonweinstein - 2
- 2
Can't get example to run
#6 opened by colinrblake - 6
Socket reads only first chunk (1024 bytes).
#5 opened by tkapluk - 1
Homebridge Compatibility
#3 opened by Apple-76 - 5
#2 opened by tagyoureit