
SLSetHeatSetPoint not parsing API response

alonweinstein opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm using setSetPoint to set the temperature, and it's working fine -- but the emitted event doesn't parse the response from ScreenLogic so there's no way to programmatically verify the temperature was set correctly.

It looks like the messageId is different -- looking at the code SLSetHeatSetPoint expects message ID 12528, but the response I'm getting has 12529:


Is this just a matter of changing the messageId to get this parsed properly?

Each message's response is +1 from the message ID. If you'll notice SLSetHeatSetPoint has a getResponseId() that returns MSG_ID (12528) + 1, which is 12529. index.js catches that and fires the setPointChanged event with the parsed response from the equipment:

this.emit('setPointChanged', new messages.SLSetHeatSetPointMessage(msg));

Can you share the code you're using that isn't working properly? My expectation is that setPointChanged's argument has the values you're looking for, but there may be a bug.

Note that if you're still using code similar to #64, that won't work as the library functions off named events rather than promises currently. shows how to interact with the library.

This is running in an AWS lambda, so there's some additional code around the relevant code itself but I'm pasting it as-is here to give context:

    const body = JSON.parse(event.body)
    const { userName, password, bodyType, temperature } = body;
    const remote = new ScreenLogic.RemoteLogin(userName);

    const p = new Promise(( resolve, reject)  => {
        remote.on('gatewayFound', function(unit) {
            if (unit && unit.gatewayFound) {
              console.log('unit ' + remote.systemName + ' found at ' + unit.ipAddr + ':' + unit.port);
              const client = new ScreenLogic.UnitConnection(unit.port, unit.ipAddr, password);
              client.on('loggedIn', function() {
                client.setSetPoint(0, bodyType, temperature);
              }).on('setPointChanged', function(ev) {
                // console.log(JSON.stringify(ev));
                    statusCode: 200,
                    headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" },
                    body: JSON.stringify(ev)
            } else {
              console.log('no unit found by that name');

    return p;

What I'm doing:

  • Creating a RemoteLogin
  • Finding the unit
  • Connecting to the unit remotely
  • Waiting for the loggedIn event
  • Call setSetPoint
  • Waiting for the setPointChanged event -- which is where I get non-parsed response

Ah, ok, I see what's going on. This event doesn't provide the new temperature value in its response. From the Pentair equipment, we get the message in your initial post:


The first 2 being the sender id, 0, the second 2 being the message id little-endian (48 << 8 + 241 = 12529), and the final 4 being the size of the payload for the response (0). To get the new temperature, you would probably want to issue a getPoolStatus() and extract the values from there.