
babushka-deps to provision Apache Mesos

Primary LanguageRuby


This is very handy, Babushka based provisioning of Mesos Cluster


Here is a 2 minute screencast to bring-up mesos cluster on your computer with 5 VMs

2 min guide to mesos setup with vagrant & babushka
from @parolkar


  • Get Vagrant
  • Clone this repository (git clone <repo_url> babushka-mesos)
  • $ cd babushka-mesos;
  • $ vagrant up #this will bring up 5 VMs
  • Setup Mesos master & all slaves dependencies
    • $ vagrant ssh mesos_master
    • (vagrant)$ sudo apt-get update
    • (vagrant)$ cd /usr/local/mesos/
    • (vagrant)$ sudo -s
    • (vagrant)# ruby provision.rb #This will do all magic & may take few minutes based on your network
  • visit to see Mesos Dashboard

####Bonus Tips

  • You could use this to provision cluster in Docker, AWS, RackSpace, DigitalOcean etc. Check Vagrant providers
  • To customize configuration, look at cluster_config.rb and babushka-deps.

####Ideas? What can I do with this provisioning?

Copyright (c) 2014 [Abhishek Parolkar] abhishek[at]parolkar.com , released under the MIT license