
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


import sqlite3

Connect to the SQLite database

conn = sqlite3.connect('my_database.db')

Create a cursor object to interact with the database

cursor = conn.cursor()

Create the Ages table if not exists

cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Ages ( name VARCHAR(128), age INTEGER ) ''')

Delete any existing rows in the Ages table

cursor.execute('DELETE FROM Ages')

Insert the provided rows into the Ages table

rows_to_insert = [ ('Mara', 28), ('Otto', 33), ('Fyn', 31), ('Neshawn', 17) ] cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO Ages (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)', rows_to_insert)

Commit changes to the database


Run the SQL command to concatenate name and age, convert to hexadecimal, and order the results

cursor.execute('SELECT hex(name || age) AS X FROM Ages ORDER BY X')

Fetch all rows from the result set

result_rows = cursor.fetchall()

Find and print the first row

if result_rows: first_row = result_rows[0][0] print("The first row in the resulting record set:", first_row)

Close the cursor and the connection

cursor.close() conn.close()