
DOM shortcuts implementation

parro-it opened this issue · 1 comments

I started to implement a DOM based version of electron-localshortcut, in an effort to make it less error prone and less "aggressive".

Many issues of this module was caused by the fact that it uses globalShortcut method to register shortcuts. These interferes with the other system shortcuts, often in an obstrusive way...

The new version will instead listen for DOM keydown and keyup events, and will trigger shortcut handlers if emitted DOM events match the registered Accelerator.

Today I published keyboardevent-from-electron-accelerator, a module that take an Accelerator and convert it to a derived Keyboard event.

The new version of electron-localshortcut will use it to check if an emitted keyvoard event match a registered shortcuts.

It would be beautiful if anyone interested would check the module on runkit to help catch bugs before use the module as dependency here.

ewnd9 commented

Related issue in Electron repo and suggested implementation electron/electron#1334 (comment)

It would be beautiful if anyone interested would check the module on runkit to help catch bugs before use the module as dependency here.

I've added an issue about "super" key since I use it the most parro-it/keyboardevent-from-electron-accelerator#5

Is there any other way to help beside manually checking everything from the regex? 😅