Add keyboard shortcuts locally to a BrowserWindow instance, without using a Menu
- 4f2e-soloshenzhen
- aeikenberry@infoscout
- aledistaChicago
- alexweber@tag1consulting
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- automation-stackYCLIENTS LLC
- axjs
- berbaquero@Tiqets
- BrandonSmith16cards
- chick307
- chrisbutteryNewcastle, Australia
- CYBAITokyo
- cycomachead@ucberkeley @snap-cloud Formerly @gradescope
- dangan-ronpa
- DC3
- Eric013Smily
- goliatoneBrooklyn, NY
- heroicyangChengdu, China
- John-Lin@LINE
- johnie@omninews, @Crip, Ex @seb-oss, Ex @Bambuser, Ex @mrgreentech
- joseluisq@techtriq
- kazukitashJapan
- LazerPantherLand of the Free
- lisposterIndie hacker @innomad-io
- maechabinStroly
- matheusfaustinoFrankfurt / DE
- mattdeslArtist
- mkamakuraself employed
- parro-itGenoa, Italy
- SantoshSrinivas79
- savage69kr
- silverbuxPhilippines
- szymonkaliski
- tuefekciMannheim, Germany
- ui2code@itau
- vvasilev-@2createStudio