Before you can even interview, you must first get the opportunity. To prep your resume and get the attention of top companies, first check out this awesome guide by Cassidy Williams of Hackathon Hackers.

Things you should know:

  • Data Structures - Know how to use them and how to build them from scratch
    • Arrays
    • Hash Maps
    • Linked Lists
    • Graphs & Tree variants
    • Stacks & Queues
  • Algorithms - DON'T memorize code. Memorize the concepts.
    • Sorts
      • Quick Sort
      • Insertion Sort
      • Selection Sort
    • Searches
      • Binary Search (for ordered collections)
      • Depth-First Search (graphs)
      • Breadth-First Search (graphs)
  • Dynamic Programming (AKA memoization)
  • Recursion
  • Bit-Manipulation
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • System Design
  • Scalability

Websites to practice interview questions:

Helpful books:

Helpful Cheat Sheets

DO YOUR HOMEWORK - Know the company you're interviewing with!

Even if you fumble on the technical question, you can gain some redemption with interviewers by asking very insightful questions about the engineering problems they are tackling and prodding about how they are scaling their product. I don't mean "So what language do you guys use?". More like "How did you overcome challenge X when developing service Y?".