
Update apk and update from app store in React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

[Not Maintained] React Native AppUpdate

Sorry, guys. I haven't developed React Native since a long time ago, so this repo is no longer maintained.

If you still need this functionality, you can use react-native-update-apk instead.

Update apk and update from app store in React Native.


npm install react-native-appupdate --save

Note: If your react-native version < 0.40

npm install react-native-appupdate@1.0.5 --save

adding automatically with react-native link

react-native link react-native-appupdate
react-native link react-native-fs


import { Alert } from 'react-native';
import AppUpdate from 'react-native-appupdate';

const appUpdate = new AppUpdate({
  iosAppId: '123456',
  apkVersionUrl: 'https://github.com/version.json',
  needUpdateApp: (needUpdate) => {
      'Update tip',
      'Finding new version, do you want to update?',
        {text: 'Cancel', onPress: () => {}},
        {text: 'Update', onPress: () => needUpdate(true)}
  forceUpdateApp: () => {
    console.log("Force update will start")
  notNeedUpdateApp: () => {
    console.log("App is up to date")
  downloadApkStart: () => { console.log("Start") },
  downloadApkProgress: (progress) => { console.log(`Downloading ${progress}%...`) },
  downloadApkEnd: () => { console.log("End") },
  onError: () => { console.log("downloadApkError") }
// version.json
  "forceUpdate": false

Third Library

  • react-native-fs