
Octo-Tiger's Radiation Kernel

Primary LanguageC++


Octo-tiger's Radiation Kernel


CMake Flags

  • OCTORAD_DUMP_DIR - Path to directory containing *.args and *.outs dump files
  • OCTORAD_WITH_VC - Enable Vc model, requires Vc CMake module to be visible (default: OFF)
    • Note: I usually use Vc by specifying Vc_DIR
  • OCTORAD_WITH_PLAYGROUND - Enable old toy kernels unrelated to Octo-tiger (default: OFF)
  • OCTORAD_WITH_SCRATCHPAD - Enable the scratchpad project(s) (default: OFF)
  • OCTORAD_WITH_CUDA - Enable GPU kernels and testing codes (default: ON)

Example Minimal Setup Commands

wget -O arg-dumps.7z https://www.dropbox.com/s/zo5q4y5ykl9u2n5/arg-dumps.7z?dl=1
7z x arg-dumps.7z -odumps/ '*-0.*' -r
7z x arg-dumps.7z -odumps/ '*-78.*' -r
module load cuda/10.1.105
cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-debug -DOCTORAD_DUMP_DIR=dumps
cmake --build cmake-build-debug