
Primary LanguageGo


Migmig is a tool for migrating records from a database to another one.

It simply selects records from origin databse and inserts them into the destination database.

My first goal is that migmig support sql databases.


  • Origin database connection
  • Destination database connection
  • Bulk or normal
  • Origin table name
  • Destination table name

The table name in the destination database is optional. If it is passed by the user, a table with that name is created but if it had empty value, the name will be the same as table name in the origin database.


  • migrate
  • connection_test

Deployment option

It has deployments using Helm and it can be easily deployed to your Kubernetes environment using the command below in the root directory:

helm install migmig .deploy/helm

Upcoming features

Test connection

This is a command that checks the connection to databases.

Chunkenized migrating

If the process of migration becaome interrupted the tool must do something.

Using limit & offset I should be able to complete the migration in multiple steps.


It has an interface with two methods:

type DatabaseAgent interface {
  Read() error
  BulkRead() error
  Insert() error
  BulkInsert() error 

This interface can be implemented for any sql databse. The first goal is MariaDB.