
Info 340 (Client-Side Development) Resources by @louistaa currently being updated by @parsakhaz for Winter 2023 course taught by Tim Carlson.

Louis's Resources for INFO340

Last Updated: Winter 2022

Resources made by me to supplement your understanding of course materials. My cheatsheets cherry-pick what I personally think are the most important content to pay attention to.

Disclaimer: my guides are not intended to be used a substitute for studying/reading on your own behalf. Please do your own due diligence to gain an understanding of course materials. Then you can use my guides to see if you paid attention to the most important details or not.

I recommend builing your own cheatsheet!

git review: covers literally all the git commands you need to use for this course.

Chapter Readings Cheatsheets: I summarize what I think are the most important topics per each chapter.

Grading Cheatsheets: Canvas too confusing? Yeah, I know. I explain how projects are graded in my own words plus some tips.