Avail Node Tutorial

Changing Node Wallet

  1. Login to your Avail Node via SSH (PuTTY, Termius, etc.)

  2. Run the following to backup the current configuration:

    • {APP_NAME} is the name you selected for your app chain
    cd ~/.madara/app-chains/{APP_NAME}
    cp da-config.json da-config-backup.json
  3. edit the da-config.json file with editor of your choice (nano, vim, etc.)

    nano da-config.json
    • Change the seed and address values to the new wallet's values.
    {"ws_provider":"wss://goldberg.avail.tools:443/ws", "mode":"sovereign", "seed": "DESIRED WALLET'S SEED PHRASE","app_id":0,"address":"DESIRED WALLET'S ADDRESS"}
    • Note: you can enter the mnemonic 12-word phrase as your seed as well.
    • example: "seed": "jelly fun printer ... serve"
  4. Save and exit the editor. for nano: Ctrl+X -> Y -> Enter

Rerun the node with the updated Config

  1. Run the following command to go to the madara directory

    cd ~/madara-cli/target/release
  2. Kill the running node process on screen session

    6.1. List the running sessions:

    screen -ls
    • Outputs something like this
    # There are screens on:
    #   53432.roller    (02/10/24 14:53:50)     (Detached)
    #   ...

    6.2 Kill the process with the session id, example 53432.roller. change based on your output.

    screen -XS 53432.roller quit
    • alternatively you can kill all the screen sessions instead of 6.1. and 6.2. by running killall screen
  3. After killing the node process, Start a new screen session:

    screen -s ANYNAME
    • ANYNAME can be anything like roller, node, your app name, etc.
  4. Run the node again:

    ./madara run
    • choose your app_name, then Y and it should continue importing the blocks where you left off.
  5. To run the explorer too, switch to a new screen by pressing Ctrl+A then D and run:

    ./madara explorer --host=IPADDRESS
    • Replace IPADDRESS with your IP Address.
  6. Everything should be running now. No need to change anything else!