
Support for Critical Alert

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Just wondering if there is support for sending critical alerts. Basically this makes the sound key a dictionary instead of a string. Currently it appears the class doesn't support it. Below is a sample payload for sending critical push notifications.

{ "aps": { "content-available": 1, "sound": { "critical": 1, "name": "sound", "volume": 1.0 }, "badge": "Increment", "alert": { "title": "Test", "body": "Test" }, "county": "Test" } }

If you want support for this, you have to head over to module.

This adapter just passes the payload to the module.

Check out the Notification Documentation

It should support this from a quick glance.

Edit: It looks like somebody beat you to it. node-apn/node-apn#646

You have to wait for that PR to be submitted and released

Hi @dplewis, Thanks for the quick response. How could this be used with parse-server? I am currently pushing from a python script. Please see below.

def sendPush():
    connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('yourserver', 443)
connection.request('POST', "/parse/push", json.dumps({
	"where": {
		"channels": channel,
	"data": {
		"content-available": 1,
		"sound": {
					"critical": 1,
					"name": "sound",
					"volume": 1.0
		"badge": "Increment",
		"alert": {
					"title": title,
					"body": message
	}), {
	"X-Parse-Application-Id": appID,
	"X-Parse-Master-key": masterKey,
	"Content-Type": "application/json"
result = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read())`

Could you please post this over on Stack Overflow with the parse-platform tag.

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