- 28
- 3
Not able to get notification using fcm http v1 api ,from parse dashboard it is showing successful pushes
#269 opened by mrutyunjaypowerschool - 7
Add support for FCM http2 API
#251 opened by mtrezza - 6
regeneratorRuntime is not defined
#256 opened by Mammut-Felix - 2
Document how to configure push adapter with FCM
#241 opened by mman - 21
Switch from `node-gcm` to `firebase-admin` dependency
#219 opened by mtrezza - 14
- 3
Add support for specifying target-content-id
#155 opened by mman - 1
Add support for specifying interruption-level
#196 opened by mman - 3
- 2
Add token response interface
#244 opened by mtrezza - 1
Break up push adapter APIs
#245 opened by mtrezza - 2
Replace @parse/node-gcm by @parse/node-fcm
#213 opened by andreash - 2
Upgrade legacy FCM HTTP API to v1
#150 opened by yagotome - 1
Supply APNS p8 token as string
#203 opened by mtrezza - 11
- 0
Unable to send Push Message to IOS
#194 opened by DFC1990 - 14
push notifications - high throughput
#107 opened by obeyer - 1
The automated release is failing 🚨
#200 opened by parseplatformorg - 5
Push notification always says 0 sent
#111 opened by billyz313 - 0
HMS notification support feature
#185 opened by nawafab - 1
[error]: Certificate and key do not match
#179 opened by burhanyilmaz - 3
Upgrade Parse from 2.8.0 to 2.10.0
#166 opened by gnowland - 0
- 0
Wrong usage of content available
#164 opened by supermar1010 - 0
Expiration of APN Development Certificate causes Production Deployment to Crash
#162 opened by NicksonYap - 2
Use proxy in GCM connection
#152 opened by simonegiacco - 2
The Apple Push Notification service (APNs) will no longer support the legacy binary protocol as of November 2020
#151 opened by funkenstrahlen - 1
Update parse JS SDK version in package.json?
#145 opened by SebC99 - 40
APNS VError: apn write failed: Not receiving Ping response after 150000 ms
#90 opened by funkenstrahlen - 6
APNS Error: cannot send any push
#113 opened by willli666 - 4
Support for Critical Alert
#126 opened by iOSDev33 - 1
- 23
- 2
Push Notifications stopped working
#122 opened by ssgsgugel - 22
- 30
- 2
Request for Baidu to be added along with APNS and GCM
#120 opened by prostil - 1
Delivery issues on GCM
#119 opened by Samigos - 3
- 1
Support content outside of aps namespace
#96 opened by toddgower-hiatus - 9
- 9
APNS VError: ... alert certificate revoked SSL issue
#115 opened by Tudmotu - 12
Large number of Push requests shut down server - can the push adapter be stress-tested?
#109 opened by cfloisand - 1
iOS Sandbox Push not working
#100 opened by olheimer - 1
cannot handle "unregistered" status
#106 opened by charlyBerthet - 7
- 8
- 2
- 0
Parse Push to iOS hanging in parse-server 2.5.3
#88 opened by dplewis