ParseableDB is a disk less, cloud native database for observability and security. Parseable is the Observability platform built with ParseableDB
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:hammer_and_wrench: Validation of field names
#1197 opened by de-sh - 0
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bug: streams can remain in object store when in distributed mode, when query node is unaware
#1189 opened by de-sh - 0
:hammer_and_wrench: Refactor suggestion: Fragile string-based parsing of byte sizes
#1187 opened by de-sh - 3
Allow configuring parseable instance with a toml file
#1157 opened by de-sh - 0
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Ensure Cleanup post user / stream deletion
#1137 opened by nitisht - 1
Kafka improvements
#1156 opened by de-sh - 0
Filter issue with new alerts
#1155 opened by parmesant - 0
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Number of staging files reported by API is incorrect
#1149 opened by nitisht - 2
ci: edge docker image builds are failing
#1152 opened by de-sh - 0
Docker build and push fails for aarch64
#1144 opened by de-sh - 6
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bug: ingestions fail to take place after sync failure
#999 opened by de-sh - 1
Prometheus scraping in helm deployment not working
#1032 opened by sebzimmermann - 1
Store path URL in about API response is wrong for s3
#1110 opened by de-sh - 2
replace use of `String` to store IDs with `Ulid`
#1125 opened by de-sh - 2
Release for Darwin/ARM
#1087 opened by anjuls - 0
Bug: cannot set HotTier
#1128 opened by Koustavd18 - 1
Parseable access logs
#1124 opened by AhmedmmAli - 0
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Help doesn't show all possible arguments
#1036 opened by de-sh - 6
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Allow custom labels on `serviceMonitor`
#1015 opened by sebzimmermann - 4
allow type casting in dynamic schema
#989 opened by aleimu - 7
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page not found - (link error) in
#976 opened by negativenagesh - 1
pareseable sink for vector
#902 opened by udf2457 - 5
pb tail returns Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field of type string
#956 opened by sreisich - 4
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Support encryption on object storage
#919 opened by udf2457 - 0
Upgrade dependencies
#949 opened by parmesant - 1
Optimize Ingestion
#948 opened by parmesant - 8
Login: 400 Bad request
#942 opened by dhenry123 - 1
Replace `unwrap()`
#933 opened by parmesant - 0
`editor` can't save filters
#915 opened by sebzimmermann - 2
Stream names should be less restrictive
#917 opened by sebzimmermann - 1
Adding a stream in HA mode does not work
#899 opened by sebzimmermann - 0
`podAnnotations` are ignored in HA setup
#901 opened by sebzimmermann - 0
Multiple serviceMonitor issues
#905 opened by sebzimmermann - 3
Support systemd-journal-remote for log ingestion
#904 opened by udf2457 - 1
Expose additional fields in Helm chart
#896 opened by sebzimmermann - 1
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Panic on small *.parquet file
#848 opened by krumpira - 0
Outdated Powershell Script
#844 opened by parmesant