
Schema based fake API mocker.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


fake-api-mocker is Schema based fake API mocker with TypeScript ready. With this you can create any nested complex schema and generate tons of fake data as per as specified schema and can be used at client side as well as server side.

The declared Schema are just like Yup lib Schema.

Supported Schema as of now.

  • isString() for random strings.
  • isEmail() for random emails.
  • isImage({ width: 200, height: 400 }) for random images urls.
  • isDate({ interval: 100000 }) for timestamps.
  • isUUID() for random UUID's.
  • isObject({ /* pass new schema*/ }) for random nested objects.
  • isBoolean() for random boolean values.
  • rows(count = 10, chunks = 0) for generating number of rows in chunks. default count value is 10 and chunks value is 0.
  • done() Indicates schema termination. It's necessary to terminate each individual schema with .done() in the end otherwise it'll throw an error.

To be added.

  • isText() for random large text like Lorem ipsum.
  • isGeo() for random geo coordinates lat-long tuples.
  • isPhone({ code:'+91' }) for random phone numbers.
  • isIP({ type:'v4' }) for random ipv4 and ipv6.
  • isSlug() for random Slugs. .. Above are just vaugely at the top of my head :-/ Yet lot more to be added :-D


Install with npm:

npm i fake-api-mocker --save

Install with yarn:

yarn add fake-api-mocker

Imports with CommonJS or ES5

const { schema, mockFakeAPI } = require("fake-api-mocker");
import { schema, mockFakeAPI } from "fake-api-mocker";

Basic Example

const { schema, mockFakeAPI } = require("fake-api-mocker");

// Remember to terminate each individual schema with .done() in the end otherwise it'll throw an error.
const fakeSchema = {
  id: schema.isUUID().done(),
  name: schema.isObject({
    firstName: schema.isString().done(),
    lastName: schema.isString().done(),
  email: schema.isEmail().done(),
  avatar: schema.isImage({ height: 320, width: 240 }).done(),
  isActive: schema.isBoolean().done(),
  joinedOn: schema.isDate().done()

(async () => {
  try {
    const data = await mockFakeAPI(fakeSchema, 1000);
  } catch (e) {
index.js (output)
  "id": "be43687f-f2de-4427-b87b-ac78013b61c6",
  "name": {
    "firstName": "rtanumnpzz",
    "lastName": "npqfvpcsp"
  "email": "btugwtegavo@yopmail.com",
  "avatar": "https://picsum.photos/240/320",
  "isActive": true,
  "joinedOn": 1632231989950

Complex Nested Type.

  1. For nested object you can simply nest it by chaining .isObject() which will accept a object schema as a argument for exapmle consider name has nested keys named firstName and lastName.
  • For below JSON:-
  "name": {
    "firstName": "rhzophn",
    "lastName": "huoljh"

Schema will look like:-

const { schema, mockFakeAPI } = require("fake-api-mocker");

// Remember to terminate each individual schema with .done() in the end otherwise it'll throw an error.
const fakeSchema = {
  name: schema.isObject({
    firstName: schema.isString().done(),
    lastName: schema.isString().done(),
(async () => {
  try {
    const data = await mockFakeAPI(fakeSchema, 1000);
  } catch (e) {
  1. Consider the above same example but instead of having a single object you want array of objects. This is where the .rows() shines. .rows(count = 10, chunks = 0) it takes count as it's 1st argument to populate that amount of objects inside an array. And an optional chunks as 2nd argument to populate data in chunks. For instance:-
  • schema.isBoolean().rows(5) will generate data as [ true, false, true, false, false ]
  • schema.isBoolean().rows(5, 2) will generate data as [ [ false, false ], [ true, true ], [ false ] ]

For below JSON:-

  "name": [
      "firstName": "yuiywbl",
      "lastName": "pobgq"
      "firstName": "zpoiqifn",
      "lastName": "dassl"

Schema will look like:-

const { schema, mockFakeAPI } = require("fake-api-mocker");

// Remember to terminate each individual schema with .done() in the end otherwise it'll throw an error.
const fakeSchema = {
  name: schema.isObject({
    firstName: schema.isString().done(),
    lastName: schema.isString().done(),
  }).rows(2).done(), // Added .rows(2) will generate 2 object in an array

(async () => {
  const data = await mockFakeAPI(fakeSchema, 1000);
  1. For primitive types i.e String, Boolean, Number. Let's say you want array of emails or timestamps or uuids

For below JSON:-

  "id_array": [
  "email_array": [
  "timestamp_array": [

Schema will look like:-

const { schema, mockFakeAPI } = require("fake-api-mocker");

// Remember to terminate each individual schema with .done() in the end otherwise it'll throw an error.
const fakeSchema = {
  id_array: schema.isUUID().rows(3).done(),
  email_array: schema.isEmail({ isYopMail: true }).rows(1).done(),
  timestamp_array: schema.isDate({ interval: 100000 }).rows(5).done()

(async () => {
  const data = await mockFakeAPI(fakeSchema, 1000);
  console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))