
Some Usefull Web Development Tools -

  1. Css, Vector icons, Stickers and many more for adding to website - https://www.flaticon.com/ and https://css.gg/
  2. Free FrontEnd Comps code - https://freefrontend.com/
  3. Beautiful Colors - https://colorhunt.co/
  4. Favicon Generator - https://www.favicon.cc/ - https://favicon.io/
  5. Fonts - https://fonts.google.com/ and to check if they work - https://www.cssfontstack.com/
  6. to convert code in one paragraph - https://www.minifier.org/
  7. Cheat sheet (info about every tag of every lang) - https://overapi.com/
  8. Random Pictures - https://picsum.photos/

Some Best Tools

  1. Best animation(UI) for elements - https://uiverse.io/
  2. Predefined pages - https://www.web-leb.com/code
  3. Some 3D Desins and animations - https://spline.design/
  4. Loading animations - https://uiball.com/loaders/
  5. Unique UI elements - https://uiball.com/loaders/

ReactJS Tools -

  1. React Router - https://reactrouter.com/en/main
  2. Material UI - https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/overview/
  3. React Leaflets for rendering maps in your project - https://react-leaflet.js.org/
  4. React-Redux-to make your react states global - https://react-redux.js.org/