
The project is all about the finding the trip as traveler and accepting the trip as host in all over the world. Any user can be a traveler and Host for renting their place and services. The core idea of project is maintaining the trip and managing the budget and expense. If anyone wants to be a traveler, then he/she needs to sign up and login into the system. If user wants to be a traveler, they can add the trips (city, country, date of trip etc.) and can make the request for the host. As a traveler, I can add number of trips along with single budget associated with it. Moreover, to keep track of all the expense of trips user also can add the expenses with category wise. The interesting part here is user can select their own category while creating the trips. User can edit and delete the expense and as there is chance that they have added by mistake. As host, the user can see the whole request from others traveler in all over the world and can select the traveler for their trip. User also can search the traveler based on city or country. Every host has the power to rate the traveler for once and based on that rating other host can get the idea of selecting the traveler. The Rating for the user has been calculating using total rating till now divided by total number of rated trips and based on that part each user will be rated. We are sending the mail on exceeding budget of traveler, signup confirmation and acceptance of request by host to notify the user with updated information in their account.

Primary LanguageJava


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