
Safe photo storage tool that lets you keep track of your pictures and reflect on the memories you've made over the course of a year.

Primary LanguagePython


What is it/Inspiration

YearView is a safe photo storage tool that lets you keep track of your pictures and reflect on the memories you've made over the course of a year.

Have you ever looked back and said to yourself, "Damn, New Years was just last week," just to wake up and realise it's already May?! What happened in between?? Through YearView, you'll be able to see what you've done over the months and look back to uncover all that you have accomplished.


  • Add images one by one or in bulk, with various file formats such as png and jpg
  • Delete pictures
  • Prevents wrong file format from being added
  • Search/filter pictures by common characteristics
  • Securly upload/delete pictures
  • A month view that allows you to see all of the photos you've uploaded in each month
  • Secure Login/Account Creation mechanism (only you can see your pictures)


Endpoint Use
/ Landing page where user can enter login credentials and enter the app
/signup Page where user can create an account and set up their username, password and name
/check Once user enters login credentials, they get tested with the data in Mongo to ensure the correct person is accessing this account
/user Once user is successfully logged in, they will be able to use all features of app and upload pictures
/user/add-image Endpoint where user can upload a picture and assign values to it such as: description, category etc.
/user/[image-key] Retrieves an image from the DB based on the key
/user/month/[month-name] User can see all the pictures they added in a certain month
/user/image/info/[image-key] User can see the information about a specific image such as: description, category and the date it was added
/user/image/delete/[image-key] Deletes an image from the DB corresponding to its specific key
/user/filter/[image_filter] Switches the category of the filter, allowing user to customize which images are shown
/signout Signs the user out of the app


  • Python/Flask (Server)
  • MongoDB (Server)
  • HTML/CSS/JS (Client)

Usage (Examples)

This is a simple mechanism for creating an account and logging in:

  • Passwords are 64-bit encrpyted
  • Many edge cases are considered such as if the confirm password doesn't match the entered password, if the username is already taken, if a wrong password is entered, etc.

Yearview (1)

This is how a user can upload pictures and view the certain pictures they added in a specific month

  • Each image is linked to a secure key, meaning that it can be uploaded, retrieved, and deleted safely
  • When storing huge numbers of images, images can be uploaded in bulk, saving time
  • Users will be able to go back in time and see what they did in each month in order to relive happy memories
  • The color of the month gets brighter depending on the amount of images uploaded

Yearview (3)

Users may also sort photographs by the category they assigned to them

Yearview (4)

When you click on an item, you'll be able to see details like the description, type, and date it was added. You'll also be able to remove the image from the archive as well

Yearview (5)


  1. Git clone this repo onto your local (i.e copy the following into your command prompt)

     git clone https://github.com/parth-p29/Shopify-Fall-2021-Backend-Dev-Challenge.git
  2. Run the following to install all dependencies:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create an account on MongoDB and make a new DB and copy the Mongo Connection String

  4. Traverse to app.py and place the connection you got into here:

     app.config['MONGO_URI'] = 'YOUR CONNECTION STRING + &ssl=true&ssl_cert_reqs=CERT_NONE'
  5. Start the app by running "flask run" and go to localhost:5000 on your browser

  6. Enjoy!


Unit tests are contained within the app_tests.py and monthblock_tests.py files and for security as mentioned before, all passwords are encrypted rather than stored as plain text. Additionally, as photos are posted, they are assigned a special key that only belongs to them, making it impossible for outsiders to locate them. Only registered users with access to an account can view or remove their photos.
