This is a workshop for delivering an end to end experience of VMware Tanzu solutions.
You can currently access a hosted version of the E2E workshop here:
To install the E2E workshop in your own environment, the following prereqs must be in place in your Kubernetes cluster:
Environment Values File
Follow the docs for Customizing the Environment Values File. Ensure that you have the carvel tools ytt and kapp installed on your local machine.
Set up Contour, with a wildcard DNS domain, that terminates with a signed cert. LetsEncrypt is a great tool for generating the cert. Follow the docs for Configuring TLS Certificate Delegation
Install the educates operator, per these instructions:
Follow the docs for Installing Harbor
Follow the docs for Installing Concourse
Tanzu Build Service
Install Tanzu Build Service per the Documentation
After the installation add an updated clusterstack to be able to show the TBS update functionality in the demo:
- Open the TBS Dependencies Tanzu Network page in your browser and select an outdated release from the dropdown, e.g. 100.0.18
- Download the descriptor-*.yaml and full-order-*yaml
- Open the descriptor-*.yaml and relocate(pull, retag, push) the build and run image defined for the stack with the name 'full' to your Harbor registry (harbor./build-service/build-service/run, harbor./build-service/build-service/build)
- Create the cluster stack:
kp clusterstack create demo-stack --build-image harbor.<your-ingress-domain>/build-service/build-service/build@sha256:<sha256-of-the-relocated-build-container-image> --run-image harbor.<your-ingress-domain>/build-service/build-service/run@sha256:<sha256-of-the-relocated-run-container-image>
- Create the cluster builder:
kp clusterbuilder create demo-cluster-builder --order <path-to-your-order-file> --stack demo-stack --store default
Follow the docs for Installing Kubeapps
Follow the docs for Installing Argocd
Follow the docs for Installing Gitea
Finally, follow the docs for Installing the Workshop
The workshop will take a couple of minutes to start. Run:
kubectl get eduk8s-training
to get the TrainingPortal URL that will be used to access the workshop. The training portal is configured to allow anonymous access. For your own workshop content you should consider removing anonymous access.