For our example we used the nogrow
option in the toolbar so that the material icon would stay shifted off to the right using fxFlex="nogrow"
< mat-sidenav-container >
< mat-sidenav opened ="false " mode ="over " #snav >
< mat-nav-list >
< mat-list-item >
< h4
routerLink ="/welcome "
[routerLinkActiveOptions] ="{ exact: true } "
routerLinkActive ="active-link "
</ h4 >
</ mat-list-item >
< mat-list-item >
< h4
routerLink ="/kitchensink "
[routerLinkActiveOptions] ="{ exact: true } "
routerLinkActive ="active-link "
Kitchen Sink
</ h4 >
</ mat-list-item >
< mat-list-item >
< h4 matLine routerLink ="/books " routerLinkActive ="active-link ">
</ h4 >
</ mat-list-item >
</ mat-nav-list >
</ mat-sidenav >
< mat-sidenav-content >
< mat-toolbar color ="primary ">
< button
type ="button "
aria-label ="Toggle sidenav "
(click) ="snavToggle(snav) "
< mat-icon > menu</ mat-icon >
</ button >
< span fxFlex >
< a class ="home-link " routerLink =". "> {{ title }}</ a >
</ span >
< span fxFlex ="nogrow ">
< button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor] ="menu ">
< mat-icon > format_color_fill</ mat-icon >
</ button >
< mat-menu #menu ="matMenu ">
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-primary " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('green') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-green " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('pink') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-pink " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('purple') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-purple " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('yellow') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-yellow " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
< button mat-menu-item (click) ="pickColor('warn') ">
< div class ="color-swatch color-swatch-warn " mat-menu-item > </ div >
</ button >
</ mat-menu >
</ span >
</ mat-toolbar >
< router-outlet > </ router-outlet >
</ mat-sidenav-content >
</ mat-sidenav-container >
In our kitchensink example we wrapped every component with a <span fxFlex>
, then wrapped the entire component in <div style="max-width: 80%" fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
which will allow everything to stay in the center and each of the fxFlex
items to be within a flexbox. You can see that each span will have the style flex: 1 1 1e-09px;box-sizing: border-box;
when rendered in the html.
Angular Material Theme Creation
You could use the 4 prebuilt themes that come with the @angular/material package, by just importing them into your style.css
@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";
@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/deeppurple-amber.css";
@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/pink-bluegrey.css";
@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/purple-green.css";
I prefer to add them directly so that you can create your own branding colors. You can't make a new unique site if you don't allow for your Brand's identity to show through (you know what I am talking about Marketing!).
The best site I have found for this is Material Design Palette Generator unlike Google's Material Color Tool , the DPG allows you to export direct to sass variables which is exactly what we need when creating an Angular Material Theme.
Make sure when you choose download (the down arrow), you then choose ANGULAR JS 2 (MATERIAL 2).
You can then use all of these custom variables to create new themes. The sass variable should define the full spectrum along with contrast of each color in the palette.
Please make sure you include all of the material sass theming functions by adding this to the top of any theme file. You should only have this once in any project, so if this makes more sense in your style file using various mixins
and include
features please do this in a way that makes sense for your project.
@import ' ~@angular/material/theming' ;
@include mat-core ();
$md-purple : (
50 : #ffffff ,
100 : #d3cbe7 ,
200 : #b2a5d5 ,
300 : #8974be ,
400 : #775fb4 ,
500 : #674ea7 ,
600 : #5a4492 ,
700 : #4d3b7d ,
800 : #403168 ,
900 : #342754 ,
A100 : #f9f7fd ,
A200 : #b7a2ec ,
A400 : #7c5dcb ,
A700 : #7256b9 ,
contrast : (
50 : #000000 ,
100 : #000000 ,
200 : #000000 ,
300 : #000000 ,
400 : #ffffff ,
500 : #ffffff ,
600 : #ffffff ,
700 : #ffffff ,
800 : #ffffff ,
900 : #ffffff ,
A100 : #000000 ,
A200 : #000000 ,
A400 : #ffffff ,
A700 : #ffffff
Creation of the Sass variable for our new palette, here the mat-palette function is returning the color information and mappings and assigning it to $angular-material-router-app-purple
$angular-material-router-app-purple : mat-palette ($md-purple );
Once you have a new palette it is finally time to create a new Sass variable $angular-material-router-app-theme-purple
that hosts your full theme information.
$angular-material-router-app-theme-purple : mat-dark-theme (
$angular-material-router-app-purple ,
$angular-material-router-app-accent ,
Please note I have used the default accent and warn, but you can make these any color that you would like as well. Then whenever you use color="warn"
it could be purple or gray instead of red, please aroudnd with switching out the variables in any theme.
At this point we have only created a bunch of Sass variables that are not included in our app anywhere. In order to do this we will include them in a surrounding class, this can be done in the style.scss
file, this should have been generated by the Angular CLI, or it is already in the styles
folder if you cloned the repo.
First make sure you are including the new theme file that holds all of our variables, by importing the scss @import 'angular-material-router-theme.scss';
You can do this in any component to use the Sass variables.
Include Theme into class variable
Now we will include inside this class the entire theme (css) for our app.
.angular-material-router-app-theme-purple {
$theme : $angular-material-router-app-theme-purple ;
@include angular-material-theme ($theme );
Now that we have all of our theme colors defined we can update the sidenav button clicks styles to include the correct background color, this assigns each menu item the color and with a border-radius
of 50% makes it a circle.
.color-swatch {
position : relative ;
width : 36px ;
height : 36px ;
margin : 6px ;
border-radius : 50% ;
overflow : hidden ;
.color-swatch-primary {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-primary , 500 );
.color-swatch-primary :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-primary ,
) !important ;
.color-swatch-green {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-green , 500 );
.color-swatch-green :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-green ,
) !important ;
.color-swatch-pink {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-pink , 500 );
.color-swatch-pink :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-pink ,
) !important ;
.color-swatch-purple {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-purple , 500 );
.color-swatch-purple :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-purple ,
) !important ;
.color-swatch-yellow {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-yellow , 500 );
.color-swatch-yellow :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-yellow ,
) !important ;
.color-swatch-warn {
background-color : mat-color ($angular-material-router-app-warn , 500 );
.color-swatch-warn :hover {
background-color : mat-color (
$angular-material-router-app-warn ,
) !important ;
Theme Selection Angular Service
You can read up on Angular Services and why you should use them.
Create color-picker Service
I like to create all of my services in a folder called core
, I will often put other things like models in this folder as well.
ng g s core/services/color-picker.service
In this service we need to have an initial class set for the app in variable initialClass
, if you follow the lesson video it shows how this works with local storage in the browser. This allows a person to set the theme and not need to select on refresh. So we look there first and if we cannot fild it we just add the initial class, which is what is also set to our BehaviorSubject
. You will also notice we are updating something called OverlayContainer
, this comes from the Material CDK and allows many of the floating panels to have style.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core' ;
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs' ;
import { OverlayContainer } from '@angular/cdk/overlay' ;
@Injectable ( {
providedIn : 'root'
} )
export class ColorPickerService {
initialClass = 'angular-material-router-app-theme' ;
colorClass$ : BehaviorSubject < string > = new BehaviorSubject ( this . initialClass ) ;
constructor ( private overlayContainer : OverlayContainer ) {
const storageClass = localStorage . getItem ( 'color-picker' ) ;
console . log ( storageClass ) ;
if ( storageClass ) {
overlayContainer . getContainerElement ( ) . classList . add ( storageClass ) ;
this . colorClass$ . next ( storageClass ) ;
} else {
overlayContainer . getContainerElement ( ) . classList . add ( this . initialClass ) ;
getColorClass ( ) {
return this . colorClass$ ;
setColorClass ( className : string ) {
this . overlayContainer . getContainerElement ( ) . classList . forEach ( css => {
this . overlayContainer . getContainerElement ( ) . classList . remove ( css ) ;
} ) ;
this . overlayContainer . getContainerElement ( ) . classList . add ( className ) ;
this . colorClass$ . next ( className ) ;
localStorage . setItem ( 'color-picker' , className ) ;
Update App for Theme Class
Now that we have all the underling items taken care of we need to actually update the app's class on the fly. This is again why I like to create everything in Modules away from the app component, because it makes this part look very clean.
You will add the behavior subject to the entire app just by adding [ngClass]="themeClass | async"
. This will take the last Observable string for the class name and assign in when the service broadcasts.
< div [ngClass]=" themeClass | async" ><app-sidenav></app-sidenav></div>
We of course need to tell our html where this came from by updating our app.component.ts
file by using dependency injection to add our new color-service
import { ColorPickerService } from './core/services/color-picker.service' ;
import { Component , OnInit } from '@angular/core' ;
@Component ( {
selector : 'app-root' ,
templateUrl : './app.component.html' ,
styleUrls : [ './app.component.scss' ]
} )
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
title = 'angular-material-router-outlet' ;
themeClass ;
constructor ( private colorPicker : ColorPickerService ) {
this . themeClass = this . colorPicker . getColorClass ( ) ;
ngOnInit ( ) : void { }
The easiest way to create color on those items that dont allow the color
directive, is to create a mixin based on our current theme's color. For instance in our kitchensink mat-grid-list
does not offer color, but we can add it to the background by providing a mixin.
@mixin mat-grid-mixin ($theme ) {
$primary : map-get (
$map : $theme ,
$key : primary
mat-grid-tile {
background-color : mat-color ($primary , 500 );
color : mat-contrast ($primary , 500 );
Include the mixin @include mat-grid-mixin($theme);
update when each theme class is selected. Now anything with mat-grid-tile will receive the background color of the current primary theme color. You can get any key that you want from the sass function map-get
and use it in the mat-color
and mat-contrast
.angular-material-router-app-theme-purple {
$theme : $angular-material-router-app-theme-purple ;
@include angular-material-theme ($theme );
@include mat-grid-mixin ($theme );
Create Mixin outside of Theme
Lets say that just in our kitchensink example we want to make all the buttons switch from a standard radius
to a more rounded radius
We can add a new mixin file
@mixin angular-button-large-radius {
.mat-raised-button ,
.mat-stroked-button ,
.mat-flat-button {
border-radius : 45px ;
Then just include this into our kitchensink sass.
@import ' ../../../styles/angular-button-large-radius.scss' ;
@include angular-button-large-radius ;