PresentSmart is a AI tool that generates a Powerpoint presentation for the topics provided by the user. It uses gpt3.5turbo to generate on-point & in-depth PPTs and also attaches related images
- ajaswanth2002
- akun-yHangzhou
- AndrewTanjx
- Baffaabba
- BEN00262Impact Rooms
- chandanpandeys
- chris6kChina
- chyang-nycu
- cindylaiiTaiwan
- cleexiang
- cutelitchi上海
- davidpr0811
- didi-dada
- emaggyPlatpro
- EnzoLanne
- feraco
- foursking1
- jones-so
- lebrosoftShanghai, China
- Luuzs
- mfoud444
- minhtetoo31Soft Intelligence
- openainext
- Paras-waghela
- pradeepkumargali
- ronskyde
- Sakolkrit
- santoshyshah
- Saurabhh0711Shah and Anchor College of Engineering
- SpeedyGonzale5
- szh-max
- TheTeacherDude
- vichopoch
- xiaofxf
- youqiang95
- zamiang927