Objective-C Version • What does it do • Language support • Requirements • Communication • Contributing • Installing and Usage • Documentation • Changelog • Demo • Todo • Author • License
If you are looking for Objective-C version check it out here: BFKit
BFKit is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster.
For example you can use every iOS font with just an enum!
It also adds some useful method to some classes like:
- BFApp
- BFButton
- BFDataStructures (List - Queue - Stack)
- BFLog
- BFPassword
- BFSystemSound
- BFTouchID (iOS 8 or later)
- Array
- Dictionary
- NSArray
- NSDate
- NSDictionary
- NSFileManager
- NSMutableArray
- NSMutableDictionary
- NSNumber
- NSObject
- NSProcessInfo
- NSString
- NSThread
- String
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIButton
- UIColor
- UIDevice
- UIFont
- UIImage
- UIImageView
- UILabel
- UINavigationBar
- UIScreen
- UIScrollView
- UITableView
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UIToolbar
- UIView
- UIWebView
- UIWindow
- English (en)
- Indonesian (id)
- Italian (it)
- Russian (ru)
- Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)
- Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant)
- Ukrainian (uk)
- Vietnamese (vi)
- iOS SDK 7.0 if you copy the Framework files (Source folder)
- iOS SDK 8.0 if you use it as a Framework
- Swift 1.2 and Xcode 6.3 or later, for version 1.4.1 or previous
- Swift 2.0 or 2.1 and Xcode 7.0, 7.1 or later, for version 1.5.0 or later
- If you need help, use Stack Overflow.
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, see Contributing section.
I'd love to see your ideas for improving this library.
The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request. I'll do my best to respond to you as soon as possible.
Please make sure to follow my general coding style for new features!
If you need support for Swift 1.2 use BFKit Swift 1.4.1 or previous.
From 1.5.0 BFKit Swift supports Swift 2.0 and 2.1.
More info here: Requirements
- Copy the Source folder to the project
- Enjoy!
- N.B.: You will no longer need to import BFKit since you are not actually loading a framework
- Open the BFKit folder and build the Framework from the project
- Import BFKit.framework into your project
- Import the Framework with
import BFKit
- Enjoy!
pod 'BFKit-Swift'
- Import the Framework with
import BFKit
- Enjoy!
- Create a Podfile in your project directory
- Write:
platform :ios, '8.0'
xcodeproj 'Project.xcodeproj'
pod 'BFKit-Swift'
- Change "Project" with your real project name
- Open Terminal, go to project directory and type:
pod install
- Import the Framework with
import BFKit
- Enjoy!
github "FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift"
- Import the Framework with
import BFKit
- Enjoy!
- Create a Cartfile in your project directory
- Write:
github "FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift"
Open Terminal, go to project directory and type:
carthage update
Include the created Framework in your project
Add Build Phase with the following contents:
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
and add the paths to the BFKit framework under Input Files
This script works around an App Store submission bug triggered by universal binaries and ensures that necessary bitcode-related files are copied when archiving
Import the Framework with
import BFKit
CocoaDocs - 100% Documented
To see what has changed in recent version of BFKit Swift, see the CHANGELOG
Open and run the BFKitDemo project in Xcode and see BFKit in action!
- ➖ Create great tests and add Coveralls badge
- ➖ Add support to watchOS, tvOS and MacOS
- ➖ Add CPU App usage function in NSProcessInfo extension
- ➖ Add Hashing functions (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, AES128 & AES256) in String and NSString extension, without using CommonCrypto from Objective-C
- ➖ Create a new DEMO App that shows all the functionalities of BFKit Swift
- ✔️ Add Carthage support
- ✔️ Add to CocoaPods
- ✔️ Create a great documentation
Fabrizio Brancati
BFKit-Swift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.