
A microsite that lists bus travel schedules for a given route and a given date

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It will be hot this summer in Montreal with the Osheaga festival! Your challenge is to build a microsite that allows a traveler from NYC to find one-way departure schedules for the festival's opening weekend.

Functional Requirements

  • Has a simple onboarding screen that will trigger the departure search
  • Lists all the departures for a given origin city (New York - geohash: dr5reg) and a given destination city (Montréal - geohash: f25dvk) for a given day (the 2nd of August 2020) for 1 adult.
  • For each departure, we want, at least, to see the departure time, the arrival time, the location name and the price (use prices.total of the departure).

Non-functional requirements


  • Localization: support for multiple languages (English, French, ...)
  • Responsive design


  • You can setup your microsite any way you like; we're partial to NodeJS, ExpressJS and React
  • CSS can be written using SASS, LESS or similar higher-level language


Supporting API

The following documentation describes the API you'll need to use to build out the challenge deliverable.

The API you'll be using is hosted at https://napi.busbud.com. This is the Busbud production API.

To interact with it from your code, you'll need to provide the following HTTP headers

HTTP Header Value
Accept application/vnd.busbud+json; version=2; profile=https://schema.busbud.com/v2/
X-Busbud-Token value provided in challenge invitation email (if not contact us)

Search overview

Search is performed in two steps

  1. A search is initialized, and may be complete if results are served from cache
  2. An initialized and incomplete search is polled until complete

Initialize search

Initiating kicks off a search against the various supplier systems if one has yet to be started. It also includes a wealth of related models (cities, locations, oeprators, etc) in its response to ensure a client has all the context necessary to present a compelling experience to the user. If the cache already holds departures for the requested search, the departures will be returned as part of the response.

To get departures, search is initialized via the following endpoint:


Path parameters:

  • origin : Origin's geohash
  • destination : Destination's geohash
  • outbound_date : ISO 8601 Outbound departure date

Querystring parameters:

  • adult : Number of adults
  • child : Number of children
  • senior : Number of seniors
  • lang : ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 language code
  • currency : ISO 4217 currency code

The response looks like:

  "origin_city_id": "375dd5879001acbd84a4683dedf9eed1",
  "destination_city_id": "375dd5879001acbd84a4683ded9c875b",
  "cities": [
    { City },
    { City }
  "locations": [
    { Location }
    { Location }
  "operators": [
    { Operator },
    { Operator }
  "departures": [
    { XDeparture },
    { XDeparture }
  "complete": false,    // <!-- determines if all departures have been received from all relevant bus companies
  "ttl": 900,
  "is_valid_route": true

Where a City is like:

      "id": "375dd5879001acbd84a4683deda84183",
      "locale": "en",
      "region_id": 6417,
      "name": "New York",
      "lat": 40.71427,
      "lon": -74.00597,
      "geohash": "dr5reg",
      "timezone": "America/New_York",
      "image_url": "/images/promos/city-blocks/new-york.jpg",
      "legacy_url_form": "NewYork,NewYork,UnitedStates",
      "full_name": "New York, New York, United States",
      "region": {
        "id": 6417,
        "locale": "en",
        "country_code2": "US",
        "name": "New York",
        "country": {
          "code2": "US",
          "locale": "en",
          "code3": "USA",
          "name": "United States",
          "continent": "NA",
          "default_locale": "en",
          "default_currency": "USD",
          "population": 310232863

Where a Location is like:

      "id": 3970,
      "city_id": "375dd5879001acbd84a4683dedfb933e",
      "name": "Métro Bonaventure Bus Station",
      "address": [
        "997 Rue St-Antoine Ouest",
        "Montreal, QC H3C 1A6"
      "type": "transit_station",
      "lat": 45.4988273060484,
      "lon": -73.5644745826722,
      "geohash": "f25dvfzcz"

Where an Operator is like:

      "id": "bfc27cd544ca49c18d000f2bc00c58c0",
      "source_id": 155,
      "profile_id": 111,
      "name": "Greyhound",
      "url": null,
      "logo_url": "https://busbud-pubweb-assets-staging.global.ssl.fastly.net/images-service/operator-logos/greyhound.png?hash=1{&height,width}",
      "display_name": "Greyhound",
      "sellable": true,
      "fuzzy_prices": false,
      "sell_tickets_cutoff": {
        "hours": 1
      "amenities": {
        "classes": {
          "Normal": {
            "display_name": "Economy",
            "wifi": true,
            "toilet": true,
            "ac": true,
            "food": false,
            "refreshment": false,
            "power_outlets": true,
            "tv": false,
            "bus_attendant": false,
            "leg_room": false
          "Economy": {
            "display_name": "Economy",
            "wifi": true,
            "toilet": true,
            "ac": true,
            "food": false,
            "refreshment": false,
            "power_outlets": true,
            "tv": false,
            "bus_attendant": false,
            "leg_room": false
      "source": "greyhound_us",
      "referral_deal": false,
      "display_url": null,
      "fraud_check": "iovation",
      "terms": {
        "refund": false,
        "exchange": true,
        "bag_allowed": true,
        "piece_of_id": false,
        "boarding_requirement": "printed_tkt",
        "extra_bag_policy": true,
        "use_new_ticket": false,
        "exchange_cutoff": 24,
        "nb_checked_bags": 1,
        "kg_by_bag": 25,
        "nb_carry_on": 1,
        "extra_bag_cost": 1500

And an XDeparture is :

      "id": "7c5dd26a",
      "source_id": 155,
      "checkout_type": "new",
      "operator_id": "bfc27cd544ca49c18d000f2bc00c58c0",
      "origin_location_id": 1942,
      "destination_location_id": 1938,
      "class": "Economy",
      "class_name": "Economy",
      "amenities": {
        "display_name": "Economy",
        "wifi": true,
        "toilet": true,
        "ac": true,
        "food": false,
        "refreshment": false,
        "power_outlets": true,
        "tv": false,
        "bus_attendant": false,
        "leg_room": false
      "available_seats": 55,
      "prices": {
        "total": 5200,
        "breakdown": {
          "base": 5200
        "categories": {},
        "discounted": false
      "ticket_types": [
      "departure_timezone": "America/New_York",
      "arrival_timezone": "America/Montreal",
      "departure_time": "2016-01-14T00:01:00",
      "arrival_time": "2016-01-14T07:55:00"

Poll search

Polling provides incremental updates from the initial search attempt. Polling can only be performed after a successful fetch has been initiated. The response contains a complete property which indicates if the system is done fetching departures from bus companies. The polling endpoints should be called every 2-5 seconds until complete is true.

To avoid getting the same departures data multiple times, Busbud supports pagination starting at arbitrary indices using the index querystring parameter. For example, if after the first polling request 10 departures are returned and complete is false, the second polling request should use ?index=10 to only get new departures.


Incremental updates are only available during the small period of time when Busbud is retrieving departures from bus companies. Once departures for a specific date and set of passengers are obtained, they are saved in a cache for a period of time.

Although the cache cannot be bypassed, you can change the date or the number of passengers to trigger a new search and obtain incremental updates.

While the complete property from the response is false, you need to call:


with all the same parameters as the previous endpoint, plus the following additional querystring parameter:

  • index : Index from which to return new departures, generally set to the total number of departures received since the initial search

The response is similar to:

  "departures": [
    { XDeparture },
    { XDeparture }
  "operators": [
    { Operator },
    { Operator }
  "complete": true,
  "ttl": 900