
The code is present in the master branch. Hi this is Parth Ulhas Vaidya and this is my readme file for the given assignment. Install SQlite 3 db to view the userdata.db table in UI form if required The main folder consist of node_modules, app.js, database.js, package-lock.json and userdata.db

Here are the steps to run the assignment.

  1. Open terminal and write npm init -y [This initializes the node modules]

  2. Next step is to initialize npm install express sqlite3 body-parser bcrypt multer

  3. Next step is to initialze npm install knex sqlite3

  4. Once done run-> node ./database.js [to check the database data]

  5. Then run -> node ./app.js which should show the message as Server is running.

Since it a backend project it is hosted on vercel app: https://enhanced-authentication-api.vercel.app/

After the initialization here are the steps to test the data using Postman

  1. To register use the endpoint as http://localhost:3000/register

  2. Then insert the data in raw format for example { "name": "Abcde fgh", "phoneNumber": "123456799", "email" : "abc@gmail.com", "password" : "password1564" }

  3. To use the login endpoint use http://localhost:3000/login

  4. Then insert the data in raw format { "phoneNumber": "123456799", "password" : "password1456"

  5. use the profile endpoint use http://localhost:3000/profile with the JWT token as authenticator(One is PUT and other is GET as per assignment requirements)

  6. logout endpoint http://localhost:3000/logout

  7. http://localhost:3000/users with jwt you can get the users which are admin and public/private .

NOTE: This may not be the perfect representation and can have some errors but i assure the logic used is correct and it is a request it can be taken into consideration