Welcome to the Oracle-DBMS-RDBMS repository! This repository is a comprehensive resource for learning and mastering Oracle Database Management System (DBMS) and Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts. Here, you will find a variety of Oracle SQL query files, structured folders for different study concepts, and lab experiment projects to enhance your practical understanding.

Table of Contents

Introduction Folder Structure Getting Started Built-in Functions Data Definition Language (DDL) Data Manipulation Language (DML) Joins Operators Lab Experiments Contributing License


This repository aims to provide a well-organized collection of Oracle SQL query examples and related study materials. It is designed for students, database enthusiasts, and professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of Oracle DBMS and RDBMS concepts.

Built-in Functions

The Built-in-Functions folder contains SQL scripts demonstrating the use of various Oracle built-in functions. These functions are categorized into: String Functions Numeric Functions Date Functions

Data Definition Language (DDL)

The DDL folder includes scripts related to Data Definition Language operations, such as creating, altering, and dropping tables. These scripts will help you understand how to define and modify the structure of database objects.

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

The DML folder contains scripts for Data Manipulation Language operations, including inserting, updating, deleting, and selecting data. These scripts are essential for learning how to manipulate data within your database.


The Joins folder provides SQL scripts demonstrating different types of joins in Oracle, including inner joins, left joins, right joins, and full outer joins. These examples will help you understand how to retrieve data from multiple tables efficiently.


The Operators folder includes scripts that illustrate the use of various operators in Oracle SQL, such as arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators. Understanding these operators is crucial for writing complex and efficient queries.

Lab Experiments

The Lab-Experiments folder contains practical lab experiment projects. These projects are designed to give you hands-on experience with Oracle SQL and to reinforce the concepts learned from the other folders.


We welcome contributions to this repository! If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or new examples to add, please follow these steps:

Fork the repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Create a new Pull Request.