
a trial project aim to make a cross-platform layer (deprecated, see xplatj2)

Primary LanguageJava



This repository is deprecated and please consider to switch to XPLATJ2

XPLATJ is a trial project aim to make a cross-platform layer to create application (This project is still in early stage.).

This project contains libgdx,and some native library are extracted from libgdx.

How to build


C Compiler(GCC CLANG)


GNU Shell(MSYS,MSYS2 or Cygwin on Windows)



Android SDK

Android NDK

SDL2 Source


export ANDROID_NDK=AndroidNdkDir  #set Android ndk location
export ANDROID_HOME=AndroidSdkDir #set Android sdk location

cd launcher
export targetsysname=windows #set target platform, can be one of android-arm,android-aarch64,windows,linux

export CC=GCC
export CXX=G++
export AR=ar
export MAKE=make
export SHELL=sh

$SHELL build.sh

If target to windows,linux, you should also modify the config file ${XPLATJ_SOURCE_ROOT}/javase-lwjgl/config.gradle depend on your target platform.


On Windows/Linux etc... You can find the distrubution in ${XPLATJ_SOURCE_ROOT}/launcher/dist

On Android, You can find the distrubution in ${XPLATJ_SOURCE_ROOT}/android-project/build/outputs/apk/release


Msys1 may miss cygpath which required by gradle, you can simplely implement it by print the first input arguement.

To use dependency in maven, Use tools/install-local-maven.sh to install maven dependency to local repository.

Linux is still not fully supported, but should be easy to do. The libgdx native libraries required by linux was also packed into jar file.

Three backend

You can switch the backend by modify the config file "$RESOURCE_DIR/flat") The first word control the backend and can be one of gdx ,webapp or sdl.

When use gdx backend, xplatj load classfile refer by cfg.ini

When use SDL backebd, xplatj compile "$RESOURCE_DIR/boot0.c" and load this file , then run the entry function _start(void *) Some symbol will added to the context. View launcher/SDLLoader.c for more detail.

On windows/linux target: RESOURCE_DIR=./res

On android target: RESOURCE_DIR=/sdcard/xplat