
Unofficial CircleCI CLI Tool

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CircleCLI PyPI Version PyPI License CircleCI Status Codecov Status

Unofficial CircleCI cross-platform CLI tool, written in Python.

Example commands


  • Cross-platform (Linux, BSD, OSX, Windows)
  • Easy, natural interaction with CircleCI's REST API
  • Easy-to-read output (you can still get original output)
  • Add multiple environment variables to your project at once (the API can't)
  • View current CircleCI site and component status
  • Validate your circle.yml files (and a pre-commit hook to do it automatically)
  • Read token from environment (great for scripting)
  • Now supporting CircleCI Enterprise!

See the Examples section for common types of usage.


Using package management

pip install circlecli


python setup.py install


CircleCLI requires an API token from your CircleCI Account Settings page. You may set this token as an environment variable named CIRCLE_TOKEN (good for scripting), or CircleCLI will interactively ask you for this token on first run if no configuration file is present. If you let CircleCLI prompt you for info, then it will create a configuration file named .circlecli.ini in your user's home directory that looks like this:

token = XXXXX
default_username = XXXXX
baseurl = XXXXX

You can always edit your own values in this configuration file.


usage: circlecli [--help] [--project PROJECT] [--username USERNAME]
                 [--api-baseurl BASEURL] [--build-num BUILD_NUM] [--config]
                 [--quiet] [--set ENVVARS] [--filter FILTERS] [--verbose]
                 [action] [help]

Execute CircleCI REST API commands from the CLI.

positional arguments:
  action                An action to perform (see below)
  help                  Get help on a particular action

optional arguments:
  --help, -h            Display this help text
  --project PROJECT, -p PROJECT
                        The target project name
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        The username of the project/repo owner
  --api-baseurl BASEURL, -a BASEURL
                        The target CircleCI API base URL
  --build-num BUILD_NUM, -b BUILD_NUM
                        The target build number
  --config, -c          Only print saved configuration values
  --quiet, -q           Suppress output
                        Set a variable (used with 'env' action)
  --filter FILTERS, -f FILTERS
                        Match only response objects matching filter
  --verbose, -v         Return original full output from CircleCI

available actions:
  me            Provide information about the signed in user.
  projects      List of all the projects you're following on CircleCI.
  builds        Last 30 build summaries for the account (or for a project).
  artifacts     List the artifacts produced by a given build.
  retry         Retry a given build.
  cancel        Cancel a given build.
  clear-cache   Clear the cache for a project.
  env           List or add environment variables for a project.
  check         Ensure a circle.yml file is valid according to CircleCI docs.
  status        Check CircleCI site status (http://status.circleci.com).
  <cmd> help    Display help text for a particular action

CircleCLI by default displays formatted, concise data for each action. To display the original response from CircleCI, simply add -v to your command.


Print information about your account

me@foobox:~$ circlecli me
Name: Barack Obama
Emails: president@whitehouse.gov
Count: 36
Heroku API Key: None
Containers: 1
Parallelism: 1
Username: TheRealBarack
Admin: False
Projects: https://github.com/whitehouse/constitution, https://github.com/whitehouse/education, https://github.com/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards

Print detected configuration and exit

me@foobox:~$ circlecli config
default_username =

Validate a circle.yml file

me@foobox:~$ circlecli check /home/foo/projects/bar/circle.yml
'branch' or 'tag' required in 'deployment.staging'

Check status of CircleCI components (from http://status.circleci.com)

me@foobox:~$ circlecli status -v
All Systems Operational

CircleCI                      : Operational
GitHub                        : Operational
Heroku                        : Operational
AWS                           : Operational
Pusher Pusher REST API        : Operational
Pusher WebSocket client API   : Operational
OS X Builds                   : Operational
Test Result Processing        : Operational
Ubuntu 14.04 Builds           : Operational

List projects you follow

me@foobox:~$ circlecli projects

Filter only projects that build on OSX

me@foobox:~$ circlecli projects -f feature_flags.osx=true

List builds for the account

me@foobox:~$ circlecli builds
Build# : 11
Author : Barack Obama <president@whitehouse.gov>
Branch : master
Queued : Fri, Jul 08, 2016 08:09PM EDT
Trigger: github
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/11
Result : canceled

Build# : 12
Author : None
Tag    : v1.1.1
Queued : Fri, Jul 08, 2016 08:42PM EDT
Trigger: github
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/12
Result : success

Filter builds by a specific user

me@foobox.com:~$ circlecli builds -f user.login=TheRealBarack
Build# : 11
Author : Barack Obama <president@whitehouse.gov>
Branch : master
Queued : Fri, Jul 08, 2016 08:09PM EDT
Trigger: github
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/11
Result : canceled

View a specific build's details

me@foobox:~$ circlecli builds -u foo_user -p foo_project -b 12
Build# : 12
Author : None
Tag    : v1.1.1
Queued : Fri, Jul 08, 2016 08:42PM EDT
Trigger: github
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/12
Result : success

Retry a build

me@foobox:~$ circlecli retry -u foo_user -p foo_project -b 12
Build# : 13
Author : Barack Obama <president@whitehouse.gov>
Branch : master
Queued : Sun, Jul 10, 2016 12:17AM EDT
Trigger: retry
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/13
Result : None

Cancel a build (using the default username)

me@foobox:~$ circlecli cancel -p foo_project -b 12
Build# : 13
Author : Barack Obama <president@whitehouse.gov>
Branch : master
Queued : Sun, Jul 10, 2016 12:17AM EDT
Trigger: retry
URL    : https://circleci.com/gh/whitehouse/us_web_design_standards/13
Result : canceled

Clear a project's cache

me@foobox:~$ circlecli clear-cache -p foo_project
status: build dependency caches deleted

List a project's environment variables (using the default username)

me@foobox:~$ circlecli env -p foo_project

Set an environment variable

me@foobox:~$ circlecli env -u foo_user -p foo_project -s TEST_ENV=stage
TEST_ENV: xxxxge

Set multiple environment variables (using the default username)

me@foobox:~$ circlecli env -p foo_project -s FOO=BAR -s BAZ=QUX
FOO: xxxxR
BAZ: xxxxX