Inferring density, radio-wave velocity and reflector depths from radar wide-angle surveys

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Inferring density, radio-wave velocity and reflector depths from radar wide-angle surveys

% Description:
% This code exemplifies how to invert radar-wide angle data using raytracing and Gauss-Newton.
% The shape of the density profile is prescribed as a function of:
% density(depth) = 910 - Aexp(-rdepth)
% and the parameters A,r are inverted for together with reflector depths. This is a synthetic examples,
% it can quickly be adapted for real data (real-case example should appear soon, contact me if not).
% Refer to the following paper for details (citations are appreciated):
% "Density anomaly in ice-shelf channels as seen by optical televiewing and wide-angle radar"
% R. Drews, J. Brown, K. Matsuoka, E. Witrant, M. Philippe, B. Hubbard, F. Pattyn;
% submitted to The Cryosphere Discussions
% Code has been tested on Matlab 2011b.

% Requirements:
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% The raytracing forward model is based on
% Margrave, G. F.: Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology with algorithms in Matlab, CREWES
% Toolbox Version: 1006 and requires the following files in a local folder "raytracing":
% drawray.m flipy.m shootray.m sphdiv.m surround.m traceray_pp.m
% These can be downloaded here: http://www.codeforge.com/article/174599

% To Do:
% 1. Get Graphical User Interface to make it more accessible
% 2. Use ASCII txt files for input data and unify scripts for real and syntethic cases
% 3. Ramping of Layers (to simulate systematic bias, has currently hardcoded shape of slope.)
% 3. Work on better documentation.
% 4. Transfer everything to Python (GUI as well?)

% Last Changes: 28.09.2015

% How to Use: The script is documented in file and hopefully somewhat self-explanatory.