This is a tool to import and view contents of Timeline CSV file. The features include filtering the data based on column values, searching for a text, saving the data to a CSV file and highlighting few rows. There are two views avaiable, detailed and reduced view. Detailed view display all the rows in the CSV file, while reduced view display only the important (highlighted) rows.
Python 3.6
How to install?
Download the Timeline2GUI repo. Run the following command from command line inside the Timeline2GUI folder.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This command should automatically install all the dependencies.
Command to run the tool in command line:
The following is a description of what each value in Configuration.txt means.
window_x=1350# horizontal size of the main window (increase this for big screens)
window_y=700# vertical size of the main window (increase this for big screens)
button_width=25# default size of buttons (increase this for big screens)
entry_width=40# horizontal size of text fields (increase this for big screens)
search_window_x1=180# x1 of search window (increase this for big screens)
search_window_y1=180# y1 of search window (increase this for big screens)
search_window_x2=200# x2 of search window (increase this for big screens)
search_window_y2=160# y2 of search window (increase this for big screens)
max_cell_width=800# length of each cell in the table
Add all highlights you need here
You can give multiple highlight option, each seperated by a new line
In each highlight, there are 3 parts separated by =
first part can be the column name (ex:short here) or * to indicate all columns second part is the text (to be searched for highlighting, ex: USB)
The search is case insensitive
Third option is the color hex code, give the hex code of the color you want to highlight the row
For Example: