
Here we have fully implemented a number of algorithms related to machine learning

Primary LanguagePython

1. Regression:

  • linear model

    • Linear Regression ✓
    • Ridge Regression ✓
    • Lasso Regression ✓
    • ElasticNet Regression ✓
  • KNN Regression (with 2 distance metric) ✓

    • uniform KNN ✓
    • distance Weight KNN ✓
  • Tree Regression

    • Decision Tree Regression
    • Random Forest Regression
  • Support Vector Regression (SVR)

2. Clustering:

  • K-Means
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Mean Shift Clustering

3. Classification:

  • KNN (with 2 distance metric) ✓
    • uniform KNN ✓
    • distance Weight KNN ✓
  • Tree
    • Decision Tree ✓
    • Random Forest ✓
  • Ensemble
    • AdaBost ✓
  • Regression :
    • Logistic Regression ✓
    • Ridge Regression
    • Lasso Regression
    • ElasticNet Regression
  • Bayesian
    • Gaussian ✓
    • Multinomial ✓
  • Minimum Distance Classifier ✓
  • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  • Perceptron ✓

3. Dimensionality Reduction:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)

4. Normalization data

  • sandardScaler ✓
  • MinMaxScaler ✓
  • MaxAbsScaler ✓
  • RobustScaler ✓
  • Normalizer ✓

5. metrics

  • regression :

    • MSE ✓
    • MAE ✓
    • R2-Score ✓
  • Classification:

    • accourcy ✓
    • recall ✓
    • prescion ✓
    • f1-score ✓

6.cosine similarity

  • cosine similarity ✓
  • cosine similarity matrix ✓

7. Statistics

  • covariance
  • covariance matrix
  • correlation