
Comprehensive, machine-readable list of all of the planets in the Star Wars galaxy (Legends timeline)

The Star Wars Galactic Map Project

The Star Wars Galactic Map Project is a crowd-sourced effort to maintain a thourough, comprehensive list of every planet in the Star Wars universe.


Please feel free to submit a PR or an issue adding or suggesting a planet for addition, editing, or removal.


Each planet contains several fields:

  • Name (string): The name of the planet.
  • Image (string/null): The filename of the planet's image on Wookieepedia.
  • Coord (string): The human-readable representation of the planet's coarse coordinate component.
  • X (float): The machine-readable x coordinate of the planet.
  • Y (float): The machine-readable y coordinate of the planet.
  • SubGridCoord (string): The human-readable representation of the planet's fine coordinate component.
  • SubGridX (float): The machine-readable x fine compoment coordinate of the planet, where X+SubGridX is the Planet's X coordinate.
  • SubGridY (float): The machine-readable y fine compoment coordinate of the planet, where Y+SubGridY is the Planet's Y coordinate.
  • SunName (string/null): The name of the planet's sun, or null if the planet a) doesn't have a sun or b) the information is unavailable.
  • Region (string): The region of the planet.
  • Sector (string): The sector of the planet.
  • Suns (int): The number of suns the planet has.
  • Moons (int): The number of moons the planet has.
  • Position (int): The zero-indexed orbital position of the planet, or 0 (assumes interior orbit) if the information is unavailable.
  • Distance (float): The distance from the Core in light years, or 0 if the information is unavailable.
  • LengthDay (float): The length of one day on the planet in Standard Hours, or 24 (assumes standard day length) if the information is unavailable.
  • LengthYear (float): The length of one year on the planet in Standard Days, or 365 (assumes standard year length) if the information is unavailable.
  • Diameter (float): The diameter of the planet in kilometers, or 0 if the information is unavailable.
  • Gravity (float): The gravity of the planet relative to Standard Gravity, or 1 (assumes standard gravity) if the information is unavailable.