
A collection of all the junk emails I receive. Categorized and stored for reference and analysis.

MIT LicenseMIT

Junk Mail Archive


This repository is a collection of all the junk emails I receive. I just want to have a place where I can collect all this stupid trash.


  • README.md: This file. Overview of the repository.
  • mails: Directory containing categorized emails.
    • phishing: Emails attempting to fraudulently acquire sensitive information.
    • advertisements: Unsolicited promotional emails.
    • scams: Fraudulent emails with malicious intent.
    • miscellaneous: Other types of spam emails.
  • scripts: Directory containing scripts for processing and categorizing emails. (WIP)

Feel free to explore the repository and use the collected emails for educational and analytical purposes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This repository contains spam and junk emails. Some content may be malicious or offensive. Please proceed with caution and do not open any suspicious attachments or links.