ROS Error-State Kalman Filter based on PX4/ecl. Performs GPS/Magnetometer/Vision Pose/Optical Flow/RangeFinder fusion with IMU

Primary LanguageC++


ROS Error-State Kalman Filter based on PX4/ecl. Performs GPS/Magnetometer/Vision Pose/Optical Flow/RangeFinder fusion with IMU


Multisensor fusion ROS node with delayed time horizon based on EKF2.

Building ESKF



  1. Clone repository in your catkin workspace -git clone https://github.com/EliaTarasov/ESKF.git
  2. Run catkin_make
  3. Edit launch file launch/eskf.launch according to topics you want to subscribe.
  4. Run ROS node which provides subscribed topics.
  5. In case you want to use magnetometer for attitude correction make sure IMU has at least 3-4 times higher rate than magnetometer. If not run rosrun mavros mavcmd long 511 31 4000 0 0 0 0 0.
  6. Run roslaunch eskf eskf.launch to start eskf node.
  7. Run echo /eskf/pose to display results.