
Vagrant managed VirtualBox VM (ubuntu-trusty64) for AWS configured with Docker and Ansible.

Primary LanguageShell


Vagrant managed VirtualBox VM (ubuntu-trusty64) for AWS configured with Docker and Ansible.


Recommended plugins

vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf

Cachier caches downloads, vbguest installs the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions, proxyconf helps dealing with corporate proxies.


Settings and Keys

Place credentials and default region in .bashrc in the secret directory next to the Vagrantfile. Keys also go there:


Note: Keys are copied into the VM on each login to restrict access required by ssh.

Helper Scripts

  • ec2-ssh <ec2-public-ip-address> : ssh login into your instance
  • ec2-status : Returns a status table for all your instances
  • ec2-terminate <ec2-instance-id> : Terminates the instance with the given ID
  • ec2-terminate-all : Terminates all instance (after prompt)

Smoke Test

  • ec2-status should list all your ec2 instances
  • ansible all -m ping should ping all ec2 instances
  • ansible all -a "df -h" should show disk space on all ec2 instances

Use at your own risk.