
Drone plugin for sending message to Discord channel using Webhook

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Drone plugin for sending message to Discord channel using Webhook.

GoDoc codecov Go Report Card Docker Pulls

Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord. They do not require a bot user or authentication to use. See more api document information. For the usage information and a listing of the available options please take a look at the docs.

Sending discord message using a binary, docker or Drone CI.


  • Send Multiple Messages
  • Send Multiple Files

Build or Download a binary

The pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded from release page. Support the following OS type.

  • Windows amd64/386
  • Linux arm/amd64/386
  • Darwin amd64/386

With Go installed

go get -u -v github.com/appleboy/drone-discord

or build the binary with the following command:

export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=amd64
export CGO_ENABLED=0
export GO111MODULE=on

go test -cover ./...

go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/drone-discord


There are three ways to send notification.

Usage from binary

drone-discord \
  --webhook-id xxxx \
  --webhook-token xxxx \
  --message "Test Message"

Usage from docker

docker run --rm \
  -e WEBHOOK_ID=xxxxxxx \
  -e WEBHOOK_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  -e WAIT=false \
  -e TTS=false \
  -e USERNAME=test \
  -e AVATAR_URL=http://example.com/xxxx.png \
  -e MESSAGE=test \

Usage from drone ci

Send Notification

Execute from the working directory:

docker run --rm \
  -e WEBHOOK_ID=xxxxxxx \
  -e WEBHOOK_TOKEN=xxxxxxx \
  -e WAIT=false \
  -e TTS=false \
  -e USERNAME=test \
  -e AVATAR_URL=http://example.com/xxxx.png \
  -e MESSAGE=test \
  -e DRONE_REPO_OWNER=appleboy \
  -e DRONE_REPO_NAME=go-hello \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_SHA=e5e82b5eb3737205c25955dcc3dcacc839b7be52 \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR=appleboy \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=appleboy@gmail.com \
  -e DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE=Test_Your_Commit \
  -e DRONE_BUILD_STATUS=success \
  -e DRONE_BUILD_LINK=http://github.com/appleboy/go-hello \
  -e DRONE_JOB_STARTED=1477550550 \
  -e DRONE_JOB_FINISHED=1477550750 \
  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
  -w $(pwd) \

Declarative environment config usage

You can get more information about how to use this plugin in drone.

- name: msg status
  image: appleboy/drone-discord
      from_secret: discord_id
      from_secret: discord_token
    message: "{{#success build.status}}✅{{else}}❌{{/success}}  Repository `[{{repo.name}}/{{commit.branch}}]` triggered by event `[{{uppercase build.event}}]` for build.\n    - Commit [[{{commit.sha}}]({{commit.link}})]\n    - Author `[{{commit.author}} / {{commit.email}}]`\n    - Message: {{commit.message}}    - Drone build [[#{{build.number}}]({{build.link}})] reported `[{{uppercase build.status}}]` at `[{{datetime build.finished \"2006.01.02 15:04\" \"\"}}]`\n"
      status: [ success, failure, changed ]
- name: multi line msg status 
    message: >
      Line one
      Line two


Test the package with the following command:

make test