
C# Rapid Open Widgets

Primary LanguageC#

#CROW : C# Rapid Open Widgets. NuGet Version and Downloads Build Status Build Status Windows

CROW is a pure C# widget toolkit originally developed for easy GUI implementation for OpenTK.

Crow is in early developement state, I'm working on a first beta (0.5).

Trying to make it as efficient as possible, it evolved as a full feature toolkit with templates, styles, compositing, and bindings, allowing me to develop new OpenGL apps in a couple of hours. Running under Mono, With multi-platform libraries it should run on any target.

Using Crow is an easy way to get instantly some controls into your your OpenGL application. With the binding system, your local variables are bound to the interface very easily and with the full transparency, your openGL scene will always stay fully visible.

You can visit the Wiki or the Project Site for documentation and tutorials. (in progress)

Please report bugs and issues on GitHub

###Screen shots :

CrowIDE Screen Shot Screen Shot

###Features :

  • XML interface definition.
  • Templates and styling
  • Dynamic binding system with code injection.
  • Inlined delegates in XML

###Requirements :

###Installing dependencies

####On Linux For mono, You may install mono-complete, or only xbuild, mono runtime and minimal system CIL libs (system, xml, drawing)

sudo apt-get install mono-complete libcairo1.10-cil libgio3.0-cil libgdk3.0-cil libglib3.0-cil


sudo apt-get install -y xbuild mono-runtime libmono-system-core4.0-cil libmono-system-xml4.0-cil libmono-system-drawing4.0-cil libcairo1.10-cil libgio3.0-cil libgdk3.0-cil libglib3.0-cil

####On Windows

  • Install Mono and GTK#

  • Add CIL dll's path to your environment PATH variable, and also native dll's path of cairo and gtk.

    set path=%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin

###Build from sources :

git clone https://github.com/jpbruyere/Crow.git   	# Download source code from github
cd Crow	                                    		# Enter the source directory
nuget restore Crow.sln								# Restore nuget packages
xbuild  /p:Configuration=Release Crow.sln			# Build with Mono 

###Using CROW in your OpenTK project :

  • add Crow.OpenTK NuGet package to your project.
  • Derive OpenTKGameWindow class.
  • Load some widget in the OnLoad override with CrowInterface.LoadInterface .
  • Build your project with mono. (xbuild)
  • copy Crow.dll.config to output directory if you have trouble finding native libs.