
Automation testing assessment 3 September 2018

Primary LanguageHTML

Assessment Test, september 3rd,2018

This repository contains:

  1. Test Scnario and Test Cases for testing automationpractice.com
  2. Bugs on automationpractice.com
  3. Ruby-Selenium-Cucumber-Gherkin test script
  4. Katalon Project files for testing automationpractice.com

Ruby-Selenium-Cucumber-Gherkin test script


  1. Ruby v2.5.1
  2. Selenium-webdriver, latest version
  3. Cucumber, latest version

Instructions if you want to run the script :

  1. Install ruby
  2. Install gem cucumber
  3. Install gem selenium-webdriver
  4. Execute test based on tags, since it was intended that way :) , eg: $ cucumber --tags @register
  5. Tags :@register, @valid-login, @invalid-login, @purchase-invalid, @purchase-valid
  6. Generate report using built in command, eg: cucumber --tags @purchase-valid --format html --out purchase-valid-report.html

For katalon project files, just clone and extract into your katalon project folder, and then run the script from inside katalon Studio, I have never tried it, hope it works :) .


  1. https://www.katalon.com/
  2. https://cucumber.io/