= aether-fitnesse-widget == DESCRIPTION: One og the major issue with Fitness IMHO is the difficulty to calculate a classpath when using maven (including transitive dependencies). The purpose of this widget is to dynamically calculate a classpath against a maven coordinnate "<groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>". It relies on aether (https://docs.sonatype.org/display/AETHER/Home). Aether is a API to consume maven repos but It is not tied to maven Itself. It should work the same for maven, Ant-Ivy or any product that use a maven repository. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: I'm looking for beta-tester !!! Don't hesitate to create issues, enhancement requests. == HOW-TO: 1. Grab aether-fitnesse-widget-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar from maven central repo or from GitHub. 2. Create/edit a file named "plugins.properties" in the FitNesse server root directory. This must contain: WikiWidgets=fr.opensagres.fitnesse.widgets.ArtifactWidget 3. Start FitNesse. this way : java -cp fitnesse.jar:aether-fitnesse-widget-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain 4. You should be able to see : FitNesse (v20101101) Started... port: 80 root page: fitnesse.wiki.FileSystemPage at ./FitNesseRoot logger: none authenticator: fitnesse.authentication.PromiscuousAuthenticator html page factory: fitnesse.html.HtmlPageFactory page version expiration set to 14 days. Custom wiki widgets loaded: fr.opensagres.fitnesse.widgets.ArtifactWidget 5. Create a FitNesse page with a reference to a artifact : !artifact groupId:artifactId:version This will load your projects classpath into the page. You can customize the place of the local repo by providing a value for "LOCAL_REPO" !define LOCAL_REPO {/Users/pascalleclercq/my_alternate_repo} If not set, the maven's default value will be use : ${user.home}/.m2/repository. You can also define a remote repo where artifact can be downloaded if needed by providing a value for mutiple "REMOTE_REPO" !define REMOTE_REPO {http://mycompany:9080/snapshots;http://mycompany:9080/releases;http://mycompany:9080/public} Experimental : Alternatively users may want to use their "settings.xml". The plugin looks for ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml and configure local repo and remote repos based on this informations. To use this feature you need to configure the USE_SETTINGS_XML like this : !define USE_SETTINGS_XML {true} == NOTA BENE Users can speficy multiple artifact and can mix with more traditionnal !path widget : !artifact groupId1:artifectId1:version !artifact groupId2:artifectId2:version !path target/classes Happy acceptance tests !!!