This project is an implementation of the AirBnB clone with dynamic web features. It aims to provide a platform where users can search for rental properties and filter them based on various criteria.
- Paschal Ugwu
- Amarachi Nnanta
Upon completing this project, you should be able to explain the following concepts without external assistance:
- Requesting your own API
- Modifying HTML element styles and content
- Manipulating the DOM
- Making GET and POST requests with JQuery Ajax
- Listening/binding to DOM and user events
- Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
- Code interpreted on Chrome (version 57.0)
- All files end with a new line
- Semistandard compliant code (
semistandard *.js --global $
) - All JavaScript in the
folder - JQuery version 3.x must be used
- Avoid using
- HTML should not reload for each action
- A file at the root of the project folder
- One project repository per group
- Cloning/forking a repository with the same name before the second deadline results in a 0% score
Ensure you have Flasgger installed locally:
$ sudo apt-get install -y python3-lxml
$ sudo pip3 install flask_cors
$ sudo pip3 install flasgger
Troubleshoot potential dependencies issues if the RestAPI is not starting.
Request a review from a peer before the project's deadline.
Last Clone!
- Update the repository name to AirBnB_clone_v4
- Update the with new contributions
- Fork the provided codebase or create a new repository called AirBnB_clone_v4
- Install Flasgger if not done previously (
sudo pip3 install flasgger
Cash only
- Start a Flask web application
- Update routes and file names as specified
- Implement asset caching to avoid Flask's asset caching behavior
API status
- Update API entry point to handle CORS
- Change routes and file names as specified
- Implement API status indicator in the front end
Fetch places
- Update routes and file names as specified
- Load places dynamically from the front end using a POST request
Filter places by Amenity
- Update routes and file names as specified
- Implement filtering of places by Amenity
States and Cities
- Update routes and file names as specified
- Implement filtering of places by State and City
- Update routes and file names as specified
- Implement a feature to show/hide reviews dynamically
© 2024 ALX, All rights reserved. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will result in removal from the program.