
MFA solution with One Time PassCode, compatible with google authenticator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MFA solution with One Time PassCode, compatible with google authenticator. OTP is an implementation of Time-based One-time Password Algorithm.

With OTP you can:

  • Generate a shared secret key
  • Show key to user as a QRCode
  • Check One Time PassCode/Passwor


to know what you're doing

Quick Start

  1. meteor add pascoual:otp
  2. Exemple:




Contributors are very welcome. There are many things you can help with, including adding testing feature, creating examples for the examples folder... Some guidelines below:

  • Questions: It's okay to ask a question on Github Issues if you're having trouble since the volume is manageable. Just prefix your Github Issue with 'Question: ' so we can differentiate easily. Also, please make sure you've read through this README and tried a few things before asking. This way you can be very specific in your question. Also, please provide a cloneable Github repository if the issue is complex. For more complex questions sometimes it's hard to get all of the context required to solve a problem by just looking at text.

  • New Features: If you'd like to work on a feature for this OTP solution, start by creating a 'Feature Design: Title' issue. This will let people bat it around a bit before you send a full blown pull request. Also, you can create an issue to discuss a design even if you won't be working on it. Any collaboration is good! But please be patient :-).

  • Answer Questions!: If you can help another user please do!


  1. Add testing

