
Express JS App boilerplate with Typescript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node JS Typescript Boilerplate

📕 Stack

  • Node JS
  • Express JS
  • Typescript
  • Jest
  • Eslint & Prettier
  • Husky & Lint Staged
  • CLI with Prompt
  • CI with Github Actions
  • Docker Setup

👍 Feel free to use this boilerplate

Fork or clone this repository and start working on your Node project rightaway.

🚦 NPM Scripts

npm start

Runs your app. You must run npm run build before.

npm run dev

Runs your app in development mode.

npm run build

Build your app transpiling the source code into javascript ES2015 code.

npm run lint

Check your code for linting errors.

npm run format

Format your code with Prettier.

npm test

Runs your test files in watch mode.

npm run test:ci

Runs your test files only once.

npm run resource:create

Runs the built-in CLI for resource creation.

🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


👤 Manuel Pascual

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