Project: 0x00. ES6 Basics


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Task File
0. Const or let? 0-constants.js
1. Block Scope 1-block-scoped.js
2. Arrow functions 2-arrow.js
3. Parameter defaults 3-default-parameter.js
4. Rest parameter syntax for functions 4-rest-parameter.js
5. The wonders of spread syntax 5-spread-operator.js
6. Take advantage of template literals 6-string-interpolation.js
7. Object property value shorthand syntax 7-getBudgetObject.js
8. No need to create empty objects before adding in properties 8-getBudgetCurrentYear.js
9. ES6 method properties 9-getFullBudget.js
10. For...of Loops 10-loops.js
11. Iterator 11-createEmployeesObject.js
12. Let's create a report object 12-createReportObject.js