Project: 0x1D. C - Binary trees


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Learning Objectives


  • What is a binary tree
  • What is the difference between a binary tree and a Binary Search Tree
  • What is the possible gain in terms of time complexity compared to linked lists
  • What are the depth, the height, the size of a binary tree
  • What are the different traversal methods to go through a binary tree
  • What is a complete, a full, a perfect, a balanced binary tree


Task File
0. New node SOON
1. Insert left SOON
2. Insert right SOON
3. Delete SOON
4. Is leaf SOON
5. Is root SOON
6. Pre-order traversal SOON
7. In-order traversal SOON
8. Post-order traversal SOON
9. Height SOON
10. Depth SOON
11. Size SOON
12. Leaves SOON
13. Nodes SOON
14. Balance factor SOON
15. Is full SOON
16. Is perfect SOON
17. Sibling SOON
18. Uncle SOON