
A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.

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Hibernate Reactive

A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.

Hibernate Reactive may be used in any plain Java program, but is especially targeted toward usage in reactive environments like Quarkus and Vert.x.


Currently PostgreSQL, MySQL, and DB2 are supported.

Hibernate Reactive has been tested with:

Support for SQL Server is coming soon.

Integration with Quarkus has been developed and tested but has not yet been released.


Usage is very straightforward for anyone with any prior experience with Hibernate or JPA.

Including Hibernate Reactive in your project

Add the following dependency to your project:


You'll also need to add a dependency for the Vert.x reactive database driver for your database, for example:

  • io.vertx:vertx-pg-client for Postgres,
  • io.vertx:vertx-mysql-client for MySQL, or
  • io.vertx:vertx-db2-client for DB2.

There's an example Gradle build included in the example program.

Mapping entity classes

Use the regular JPA mapping annotations defined in the package javax.persistence, and/or the Hibernate mapping annotations in org.hibernate.annotations.

Most mapping annotations are already supported in Hibernate Reactive. The annotations which are not yet supported are listed in Limitations, below.


Hibernate Reactive is configured via the standard JPA persistence.xml document which must be placed, as usual, in the /META-INF directory.

The only configuration specific to Hibernate Reactive is the persistence <provider> element, which must be explicit:


Otherwise, configuration is almost completely transparent. Configure Hibernate exactly as you usually would, noting that most configuration properties related to JDBC or JTA aren't relevant in the context of Hibernate Reactive.

Configuration properties of particular interest include:

  • javax.persistence.jdbc.url, the JDBC URL of your database,
  • javax.persistence.jdbc.user and javax.persistence.jdbc.password, the database credentials, and
  • hibernate.connection.pool_size, the size of the Vert.x reactive connection pool.

The Vert.x database client has built-in connection pooling and prepared statement caching. During performance tuning, you can further customize the pool and cache via the following properties:

  • hibernate.vertx.pool.max_wait_queue_size
  • hibernate.vertx.prepared_statement_cache.max_size
  • hibernate.vertx.prepared_statement_cache.sql_limit

(But for now, just leave these settings alone.)

An example persistence.xml file is included in the example program.

Obtaining a reactive session factory

Obtain a Hibernate SessionFactory or JPA EntityManagerFactory just as you normally would, for example, by calling:

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("example");

Now, unwrap() the reactive SessionFactory:

Stage.SessionFactory sessionFactory = emf.unwrap(Stage.SessionFactory.class);

The type Stage.SessionFactory gives access to reactive APIs based on Java's CompletionStage.

If you prefer to use the Mutiny-based API, unwrap() the type Mutiny.SessionFactory:

Mutiny.SessionFactory sessionFactory = emf.unwrap(Mutiny.SessionFactory.class);

Obtaining a reactive session

To obtain a reactive Session from the SessionFactory, use withSession():

        session -> ... //do some work

Alternatively, you can use openSession(), but you must remember to close() the session when you're done.

            session -> ... //do some work
                    .whenComplete( ($,e) -> session.close() ) 

Using the reactive session

The Session interface has methods with the same names as methods of the JPA EntityManager. However, each of these methods returns its result via a CompletionStage (or Mutiny Uni), for example:

session1.find(Book.class, book.id)
        .thenAccept( book -> System.out.println(book.title + " is a great book!") )

Methods with no meaningful return value return a reference to the Session:

        .thenCompose( $ -> session2.flush() )
        .whenComplete( ($,e) -> session2.close() )

That createQuery() method produces a reactive Query, allowing HQL / JPQL queries to be executed asynchronously, always returning their results via a CompletionStage:

session3.createQuery("select title from Book order by title desc")

If you already know Hibernate, and if you already have some experience with reactive programming, there's not much new to learn here: you should immediately feel right at home.

Fetching lazy associations

In Hibernate ORM, lazy associations are fetched transparently when the association is fist accessed within a session. In Hibernate Reactive, association fetching is an asynchronous process that produces a result via a CompletionStage (or Mutiny Uni).

Therefore, lazy fetching is an explicit operation named fetch(), a static method of Stage and Mutiny:

session4.find(Author.class, author.id)
        .thenCompose( author -> Stage.fetch(author.books) )
        .thenAccept( books -> ... )

Of course, this isn't necessary if you fetch the association eagerly.

Field-level lazy fetching

Similarly, field-level lazy fetching—an advanced feature, which is only supported in conjunction with Hibernate's optional compile-time bytecode enhancer—is also an explicit operation:

session5.find(Book.class, book.id)
        .thenCompose( book -> session.fetch(book, Book_.isbn) )
        .thenAccept( isbn -> ... )

Note that the field to fetch is identified by a JPA metamodel Attribute.

We don't encourage you to use field-level lazy fetching unless you have very specific requirements.


The withTransaction() method performs work within the scope of a database transaction.

session.withTransaction( tx -> session.persist(book) )

The session is automatically flushed at the end of the transaction.

For extra convenience, there's a method that opens a session and starts a transaction in one call:

sessionFactory.withTransaction( (session, tx) -> session.persist(book) )

Identifier generation

Sequence, table, and UUID id generation is built in, along with support for assigned ids.

Custom id generators may be defined by implementing ReactiveIdentifierGenerator and declaring the custom implementation using @GenericGenerator.

Example program

There is a very simple example program in the example directory.

Gradle build

The project is built with Gradle, but you do not need to have Gradle installed on your machine.


To compile this project, navigate to the hibernate-reactive directory, and type:

./gradlew compileJava

To publish Hibernate Reactive to your local Maven repository, run:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Running tests

To run the tests, you'll need to decide which RDBMS you want to test with, and then get an instance of the test database running on your machine.

By default, the tests will be run against PostgreSQL. To test against MySQL or DB2, you must explicitly specify -Pdb=mysql or -Pdb=db2, for example:

./gradlew test -Pdb=db2

There are three ways to start the test database.

If you have Docker installed

If you have Docker installed, running the tests is really easy. You don't need to create the test databases manually. Just type:

./gradlew test -Pdocker


./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=mysql


./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=db2

The tests will run faster if you reuse the same containers across multiple test runs. To do this, edit the testcontainers configuration file .testcontainers.properties in your home directory, adding the line testcontainers.reuse.enable=true. (Just create the file if it doesn't already exist.)

If you already have PostgreSQL installed

If you already have PostgreSQL installed on your machine, you'll just need to create the test database. From the command line, type the following commands:

create database hreact;
create user hreact with password 'hreact';
grant all privileges on database hreact to hreact;

Then run ./gradlew test from the hibernate-reactive directory.

If you already have MySQL installed

If you have MySQL installed, you can create the test database using the following commands:

mysql -uroot
create database hreact;
create user hreact identified by 'hreact';
grant all on hreact.* to hreact;

Then run ./gradlew test -Pdb=mysql from the hibernate-reactive directory.

If you have Podman

If you use Podman, you can start the test database by following the instructions in podman.md.

To run the tests, type ./gradlew test from the hibernate-reactive directory.


We're working hard to support the full feature set of Hibernate ORM. At present a few limitations remain.

Association mappings

At this time, Hibernate Reactive does not support the following mapping features:

  • @ElementCollections,
  • @ManyToMany associations, and
  • one-sided @OneToMany associations without mappedBy.

Instead, use @OneToMany(mappedBy=...) together with @ManyToOne for all associations.

Identifier generation

There is no block optimization for the SEQUENCE and TABLE id generators.

Batch inserts and updates

Currently there is no support for batched inserts and updates. The setting hibernate.jdbc.batch_size is ignored.

Query language

HQL update and delete queries which affect multiple tables (due to the use of TABLE_PER_CLASS or JOINED inheritance mapping) are not working.


The query cache is not yet supported.

Note that you should not use Hibernate Reactive with a second-level cache implementation which performs blocking IO, for example passivation to the filesystem or distributed replication.

Driver-specific limitations

You might run into some limitations of the Vert.x DB2 client when using Hibernate Reactive with DB2.