Instagram Clone Backend

This is the Express backend for Instapost Frontend.

Database Schema


Tools used:

Getting started

Install all dependencies with npm i
The project uses PostgreSQL as its RDBMS.
Make sure to create and seed databases with this command:

psql < instapost.sql 

To run this project:

nodemon server.js

This will start the API server on localhost:3001/

To run the tests (make sure jest is installed, it is not listed as a dependency):

jest -i

The entirety of this project is a RESTFUL JSON API.



Authorization and authentication is performed using JSON Web Tokens. Send your JWT as bearer tokens in the authorization header of all of your requests sent to the API.

POST /auth/register

This route is used for creating new users in the database, and is validated with JSON schema. Include the following in the payload of your POST request, all fields are required:

    "username": "string, max 30 chars",
    "password": "string, min 5 chars, max 20 chars",
    "fullName": "string, max 30 chars",
    "email": "string, email format, min 6 chars, max 60 chars"

Other pieces of data like bio and profileImageURL can be updated with the PATCH /:username request.

This will create a new entry in the users table of the database, with a hashed and salted password. The server will respond with the auth token for the newly registered user.

POST /auth/token

This route is used to get another auth token. Send the username and password of the user you want to authenticate as in your request payload. If the credentials are valid, the server will respond with an auth token.

{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtc2ciOiJjb25ncmF0dWxhdGlvbnMiLCJob3dldmVyIjoibm90IGEgdmVyeSByZXdhcmRpbmcgc2VjcmV0LCBpcyBpdD8ifQ.PpjeIMk-mILsVOG-eLDcgmrmkXyNTnXRt01bFMfbtSU" }


Routes corresponding with user activity in the database.

GET /users/:username

Auth Required: Same User as :username

This endpoint will respond with all the user's info in the database, with the following format:

            "username": "johnny_doe_",
            "fullName": "John Doe",
            "email": "",
            "profileImageURL": "",
            "bio": "One in the hand is worth two in the bush", 
            "posts": [{
                "postId": 23,
                "postURL": "",
                "caption": "Just me",
                "watermark": "The John Foe",
                "filter": "grayscale(100%)",
                "createdAt": "2023-04-02 14:39:38.975684"
            }, ... ],
            "postLikes": [{
                "postId": 6,
                "username": "johnny_doe_",
                "postURL": "",
                "caption": "Oh yeah, look at me",
                "watermark": null,
                "filter": null,
                "createdAt": "2023-04-02 14:23:50.695016"
            }, ... ],
            "following": [{
                "username": "shelby_sherlock",
                "fullName": "Shelby Sherlock",
                "profileImageURL": ""
            }, ... ],
            "followers": [{
                "username": "shelby_sherlock",
                "fullName": "Shelby Sherlock",
                "profileImageURL": ""
            }, ... ] 

GET /users/

You can filter your results by passing parameters to the query string. The following parameter is available:

  • name: User must have this string appearing somewhere in its username or fullName, case insensitive.

E.g. users/user?name=pas will return a list of all users where "pas" appears somwhere in their username or fullName.

POST /users/upload

Auth Required: None

This endpoint will send an image file to an Amazon S3 bucket and send an resultant object with the status of success. This is done with the Multer middleware. E.g. you send a file to this route:

    "lastModified": 1679602398563,
    "lastModifiedDate": "Thu Mar 23 2023 13:13:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)",
    "name": "unnamed2.jpg",
    "size": 1357832,
    "type": "image/jpeg",
    "webkitRelativePath": ""

The result:

    "result": {
        "Bucket": "instagram-clone-photo",
        "ETag": "\"e7bf6f55e9131832bb8f9051729fe8a3\"",
        "Key": "uploads/4e708a55-7d23-46d1-a23d-1bbe9c5a6589-unnamed2.jpg",
        "Location": "",
        "ServerSideEncryption": "AES256",
        "key": "uploads/4e708a55-7d23-46d1-a23d-1bbe9c5a6589-unnamed2.jpg",
    "status": "success"

POST /users/create

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

Creates a new entry in the posts table of the database. Include the data matching the following schema in the payload of your request, username and postURLare required. caption, watermark, watermarkFont, and filter are optional:

    "username": "johnny_doe_", 
    "caption": "Just me and my girl",
    "watermark": "The John Foe",
    "watermarkFont": "sans serif",
    "filter": null,
    "postURL": ""

GET /users/comments/:postId

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

Get all the comments for a single post. Include the postId as a parameter and you'll receive the following:

    "comments": [
            "commentId": 3,
            "parentId": null,
            "message": "Wow! What a great post, John.", 
            "username": "shelby_sherlock",
            "createdAt": "2023-04-02 14:23:50.695016",
            "numLikes": "3",
            "children": [{"commentId": ...}, ...]

If there are replies to a comment and replies to that comment as well, there will be an array of children for that comment. Each top level comment would have a parentId of null.

POST /users/comment

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

To create a comment on a post, provide the following inputs:

    "username": "johnny_doe_",
    "postId": 5,
    "parentId": 2, 
    "message": "I don't know if that's true, Barbara." 

To signify that a comment is a reply, enter a parentId to reference the commentId being replied to. Otherwise, just leave it null.

POST /users/follow and /users/unfollow

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

To either follow another user or unfollow, you must provide the following respectively:

    "usernameFollowing": "johnny_doe_",
    "usernameBeingFollowed": "Shelby_Sherlock"
    "usernameUnfollowing": "johnny_doe_",
    "usernameBeingUnfollowed": "Shelby_Sherlock"

GET /users/:username/followerPosts

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

Will respond with a the posts from users that the provided username follows:

    "users": [{
        "username": "shelby_sherlock",
        "profileImageURL": "",
        "posts": [{
            "postId": 88,
            "postURL": "",
            "caption": "Hallelujah",
            "createdAt": "2023-04-02 14:23:50.695016"
        }, ...]
    }, ...]

POST /users/like and /users/unlike

Auth Required: Must be a user logged in

Must provide username, commentOrPostId, and likeType to like or unlike either a post or a comment. E.g.:

    "username": "Johnny_Doe_",
    "commentOrPostId": 3,
    "likeType": "post"

PATCH /users/:username

Auth required: Must be a user logged in and match with the username parameter

Provide any of the following data to be updated:

    "profileImageURL": "",
	"fullName": "John Doe",
	"username": "theJohnDoe",
	"bio": "Oh yeaaaah",
	"email": ""