
Allow to read SQL-dump files into list or other structures

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple use
Work with files
Convert to Pandas
Customize data type convertion
Handle multiple tables
Specify tables to import
Specify columns to import
Specify max row count for all tables to import

Class SqlSimpleDumpParser is main class to parse SQL-dumps.


parse_tables(lines, data_config = None, max_row_count = -1, custom_iterate_function = None, custom_data_convert_function = None)
This method parses incoming SQL-data. It is store tables structure inside internal dictionary table_descriptions and returns insert data.


      lines - iterator of strings with SQL-data. Could be array or file ur custom iterator.

      data_config - dictionary with table names and table columns to import. If None (default) - all data will be read.

      max_row_count - maximum rows that will be imported for each tables. If -1 (default) - all data will be read.

      custom_iterate_function - function, that will be called on each parsed insert clause. If this parameter defined then parsed data will not be collected and will not be returned after parse_tables complete.
Signarute of callback function is:
callback(table_name, row_data, field_names) table_name - name of table
row_data - list of data values
field_names - list of field names

      custom_data_convert_function - callback function to customize data type convertion.
Function signature:
custom_data_convert_function(obj_tokens, data_type) obj_tokens - list of parsed tokens
data_type - list of tokens with data type
if functtion can parse data it should be returns [parsed data], True
Or None, False if can't parse


Just parse table definitions
      lines - iterator of strings with SQL-data. Could be array or file ur custom iterator.
       Dictionary with data tables structure (table names, table coumns and data types)

from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser
sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int, id3 int);',
    'insert into TBL1 (id2, id1) values (1, 2)',
    'insert into TBL1 values (3, 4, 5)'

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines)


{'TBL1': [[2, 1, None], [3, 4, 5]]}
{'TBL1': {'id1': int, 'id2': int, 'id3': int}}
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser
sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
with open("sample_data\\dump01.sql", "r", encoding='UTF-8') as file_in:
    data = sql_parser.parse_tables(file_in)
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser
import pandas as pd

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int, id3 int);',
    'insert into TBL1 (id1, id2, id3) values (1, 2, 3)',
    'insert into TBL1 values (4, 5, 6)'

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines)    
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data['TBL1'], columns=list(sql_parser.table_descriptions['TBL1'].keys()))


   id1  id2  id3
0    1    2    3
1    4    5    6
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser
import datetime

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, dt datetime);',
    'insert into TBL1 (id1, dt) values (1, \'20240101\')'    

def custom_data_convert_function(obj_tokens, data_type):
    if data_type.first().upper() == 'DATETIME':        
         return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj_tokens[0].name, "%Y%m%d").date(), True
    return obj_tokens, False

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines, custom_data_convert_function=custom_data_convert_function)


{'TBL1': [[1, datetime.date(2024, 1, 1)]]}
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int);',
    'insert into TBL1  values (1, 2), (3, 4)',
    'create table TBL2 (id3 int, id4 int);',
    'insert into TBL2  values (4, 5), (6, 7)'   

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines)


{'TBL1': [[1, 2], [3, 4]], 'TBL2': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]}
{'TBL1': {'id1': int, 'id2': int}, 'TBL2': {'id3': int, 'id4': int}}
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int);',
    'insert into TBL1  values (1, 2), (3, 4)',
    'create table TBL2 (id3 int, id4 int);',
    'insert into TBL2  values (4, 5), (6, 7)'   

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines, { 'TBL2': []})


{'TBL2': [[4, 5], [6, 7]]}
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int, id3 int);',
    'insert into TBL1  values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)'

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines, { 'TBL1': ['id1', 'id2']})


{'TBL1': [[1, 2], [4, 5]]}
from sql_dump_parser import SqlSimpleDumpParser

sample_lines = [
    'create table TBL1 (id1 int, id2 int, id3 int);',
    'insert into TBL1  values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9)'

sql_parser = SqlSimpleDumpParser()
data = sql_parser.parse_tables(sample_lines, max_row_count=2)


{'TBL1': [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}